Itchy & Scratchy animation cel
- "Hey, Lis, guess who's got a genuine Itchy and Scratchy animation cell?"
- ―Bart Simpson
- "Oh! That is so cool! That is so exciting! That is so...[looks at cell] crappy."
- ―Lisa Simpson
The Itchy and Scratchy animation cell is an animation cell from The Itchy & Scratchy Show.
One evening, Bart watches a show hosted by Troy McClure on his portable TV. On the show, Roger Meyers, Jr. advertises an Itchy & Scratchy animation cell, a limited edition with 800,000 copies, and promises that the animation cell is to increase in value. Bart wants to obtain the cell, so he bumps into Homer in the hallway and apologizes. Bart steals Homer's wallet and Homer steals Bart's slingshot. Bart then rings up the show and orders the cell as "Homer Simpson" with Homer's Visa card. One day, Bart is reading a Radioactive Man comic book and the doorbell rings. Bart answers the door as Homer, and gets a punch in the nose for writing letters to Mr. Sinatra. Bart answers the doorbell again and the Squeaky Voiced Teen gives Bart another punch in the nose for stealing golf balls from the driving range. The doorbell rings again, and Bart ignores it. The delivery guy shouts that Homer's got a special delivery. Bart looks through the letterbox and sees the delivery guy hold the cylinder box for the animation cell. The box bears the label "Do Not Roll". Bart opens the door and the delivery guy hands Bart the box. He then receives a third punch in the nose for keeping the delivery guy waiting. On the sofa, Bart opens the box in front of Lisa, but as Lisa starts getting excited, they both find that the cell bears Scratchy's arm and nothing else. Lisa asks how much the cell was and Bart says that it cost $350. Later, Bart asks Comic Book Guy whether the cell is worth anything. Comic Book Guy says no, but offers Bart a telephone shaped like Mary Worth. When Mr. Burns drops by to greet Fred Flintstone and his wife Wilbur, Bart threatens to ruin Burns' suit by squeezing ketchup and mustard over it. Bart squeezes mustard over Burns' suit and Burns gives Bart the money. That evening, Bart tells Homer about charging his credit card $350. Homer freaks out, but Bart gives Homer the money and runs off. Bart tells himself that he's keeping the Mary Worth phone so he can be reminded never to do something as stupid as what he did again. Milhouse rings Bart up and asks him if he wants to play with the X-ray machine in the abandoned hospital. Bart says "Sure!" and hangs up.