'Radioactive Homer'
Radioactive Homer | ||||
Comic Information
Radioactive Homer is a comic story featured in Simpsons Comics 31. The comic has later got reprinted in Simpsons Comics Big Bonanza.
Homer and Marge is on the Springfield City Government masquerade party. Homer is dressed as Radioactive Man. Homer is worried that he will not win the prize as the best costume and the mayor gives the prize to Luann. Meanwhile, Dr. Colossus is robbering the cashier at the masquerade. He meets Homer who thinks he is Mr. Burns and he happens to start the engine at Dr. Colossus shoes. Colossus destroys while food and Homer becomes enraged and takes hold of the shoe in the belief that he is Mr. Burns and receive an electric shock and faints. When Homer wakes up he's forgotten who he is but after he look in the newspaper and see a picture of him where it is mentioned at he was Radioactive Man and he realizes who he is. Marge discovers that Homer escaped and Dr. Hibbert believe correctly that Homer thinks he is Radioactive Man. Marge contact the police and they find Homer and grabs him. They take him to New Bedlam, Marge finds out where the police brought her and pending at he gets released, she gets to work at the plant, to bring salaries to the family.
When Homer is in the cell at the mental hospital, he get visits by the janitor, Leon. He asks Leon to become his sidekick "Fallout Boy" and help him to be free and together, they beat down the guards and escapes. Meanwhile in the plant has the robot, "Project Q" caused trouble after two mutated rat has been eating on the robot cables and the robot has begun to run. Homer and Leon discovers what has happened and realize at Springfield is in danger if they do not do anything. Homer and Leon hear by the producers at the robot is designed to house and sustain Mr. Burns withered body, while merging its computer brains with his organic one and they Unfortuantley drew the cyber-brain too well and now speed began to bucket for itself. Homer realizes what must be done and he jumps and lands on the robot's control panel, which made as per its original programming the cyber brain merged with Homer's. They allow the robot gets a electroshock to be off, and Homer's brain finally get back but Leon has after he got an iron bar in the head believe at he is Bart.