Sergeant Syntax
Tapped Out Quest Information
Sergeant Syntax is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the This Thanksgiving's Gone to the Birds! content update. It requires Quinn Hopper to be obtained.
Pt. 1
After tapping on Quinn Hopper's exclamation mark
Thousands of apps released everyday, each one more garbage than the last. Recyclr, Dumpstr, Trashbax…. Wait, these actually ARE garbage apps.
These pencil pushers lack the guidance to create anything truly brilliant. Like, for instance… an app that lets you push… pencils?
Grr, maybe I need some help direct from the source code.
Task: "Make Quinn Hopper Consult CONRAD". The job takes place at CONRAD and takes 8 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After tapping on Quinn Hopper's exclamation mark
I'm still not sure why we programmed an AI robot to have so many neuroses… But, CONRAD did give me a decent idea.
Instead of creating apps, I should become a consultant and tell OTHER people how to create apps.
Half the hours, twice the pay, all while doing none of the work while taking all of the credit. What a time to be alive!
Task: "Make Quinn Hopper Insult Student's Code". The job takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
Pt. 4
After tapping on Quinn Hopper's exclamation mark
Finally, a new student. He has all the look of a nerd but I'm worried none of the brains.
Not all nerds are smart! That's prejudicial. Some of us are just losers!
Genius has come from more unusual places. Before Steve Jobs created Apple, he was just a trespasser on Reed's campus.
Do you really think my app Bed Wettr could be the next big hit?
Your app is called Bed Wettr. Do I even want to know what it does?
It's an app that reminds you to get up out of bed and use the bathroom. Also you get points for any accidents during the day.
Did your phone just beep?
I just got 1000 soaked sheet points! Unrelated, do you have any extra culottes?
Task: "Make Quinn Hopper Insult Everything Milhouse Has Ever Written". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 200 and 20