Burns' Heir/Quotes
- Nelson Muntz: Give me your money, Mr. Burns, or I will cram walnuts down your throat!
- Mr. Burns: Ooh, excellent spirit!
- Martin Prince{singing}: Clang, clang, clang went the trolley. Ding, ding, ding went the bell...
- Nelson punches Martin in stomach
- Martin Prince: OW!
- Mr. Burns: Give the bully an extra point.
(A deprogrammer has just finished forcing Bart into forgetting Mr Burns and coming back to the Simpson family)
Deprogrammer: "Well Mr and Mrs Simpson, I think I have reformed young Bart. Bart come out!"
Hans Moleman walks out of the room, wearing an orange shirt and blue shorts like Bart's usual outfit
Hans Moleman:(monotonal) "Mom, Dad, I missed you!"
Homer: "Oh son, we finally have you back! "(Homer kisses Hans Moleman)
Marge: "Homer, that's Hans Moleman."
Homer: "Can we keep him anyway, huh, huh?"
Mr. Burns attempts to prove the Simpson family does not love him, and shows him a scripted version of a false Simpsons residence
Homer Actor{voice unlike Homer's}: I do not miss Bart at all.
Marge Actress{overly gravelly voice}: I am glad that he is gone.
Homer actor drops his sandwich
Homer Actor: B'oh!
Bart: Something about them did not seem right.
Bart departs room
Mr. Burns: What was that?! For the seventh time, Homer Simpson does not say "B'oh!", he says "D'oh!"
Homer Actor: Sorry M.B., I am having trouble with this character. Is he supposed to have some kind of a nuerological quirk, like Rain Man or Awakenings?
Mr. Burns: Do it right or it will be back to the Westport Community Theatre for all of you!
(Bart and Lisa are dejected after failing at their auditions to become Mr. Burns' heir)
Marge: (to Homer) I think Bart and Lisa are feeling a little upset right now. Isn't there something you'd like to say?
Homer: There sure is. Kids, you tried your best, and you failed miserably. The lesson is, "Never Try."