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God is the eternal, supreme being who created and preserves all things.
He once attempted to flood Springfield, but stopped when Reverend Lovejoy showed the Springfieldians that God was the path to good, and also once chose to end the world. This time, He was stopped by Homer Simpson, who requested Him to turn back time and leave the apocalypse off for a few years. God has two aides, Colonel Sanders and Buddha, although he is seen with Jesus in Heaven. In an interesting side note, SpongeBob once appeared in Heaven alongside Buddha and Jesus. In one episode when asked if they should help someone, SpongeBob replied with a wave of the hand and said "screw 'em". God's voice appeared when Homer and Barney decide to join forces and Homer says "Not even God can stop us now!" After this God replies, "Oh No?" and dries up all the snow. It is also implied once that God has a tendency to cause train wrecks.
Homer met God to say a word about family, but even though Heaven is a top notch destination, Homer couldn't enjoy being in Heaven knowing that his family was suffering. God said that He understood about family suffering because His son lived on Earth once, but He doesn't know what happened and he hasn't been the same since.
Because Homer rioted all the time he was in Heaven, God talked with Homer about the problem. Homer asked God to undo the rapture and wait another time to do it. God agreed, but Homer asked God to do something else when He's undone the Apocalypse, where he must be shown at the Last Supper.
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