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Seamus was a debt collector and an associate of Kostas Becker. He was married to Colette.
Seamus, along with Colette, tracked down and captured The Rich Texan for Becker. Becker then gave them the order to execute him, so they shot him to death. The two of them then worked on disposing of the body. Before they left Springfield, Becker realized that he had another debt to collect on in town, so he decided to stay and track down Ned Flanders. He sent Seamus and Colette to The Android's Dungeon to collect information on where Flanders might be. After Colette started destroying things in the store, Comic Book Guy told them that Ned regularly attended the First Church of Springfield.
As Colette and Seamus were heading to Ned's house to grab him, Seamus lost the Bible page with Ned's address on. As a result, they mistook Homer for Ned and captured him instead. They took Homer back to Kostas, who was annoyed that they got the wrong person. Seamus then made Homer watch Property Brothers, which was a show that Colette loved...
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