A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love
"A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love"
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Episode Information
- ""So, what shall we do tomorrow? Go grousing? Or, if you'd rather stay home you could sing, while I accompany you on the clavichord. ""
- ―Mr. Burns
"A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love" is the fourth episode of Season 13, which aired on December 2, 2001. The episode was written by John Swartzwelder (his 50th episode) and directed by Lance Kramer. Julia Louis-Dreyfus and George Takei guest starred. The episode is dedicated to George Harrison.
The Simpsons visit Chinatown, where Animal Control tranquilises a "fake" dragon. The family eat at a very authentic Chinese restaurant, where Homer finds his fortune from an after-dinner complimentary fortune cookie very obvious, and already known by everyone there. Upon complaining of the fortuneteller, the manager asks him to come up with a better fortune, which Homer thinks should be "You will be aroused by a shampoo commercial." The manager, surprised by the apparently acceptable fortune cookie, introduces him to the workers, and states that Homer can make much better fortunetellers. He is asked to give an example ("The price of stamps will climb ever higher") and everyone agrees with the manager that Homer is superior to them. He is hired for a job, despite his employment as a Health Supervisor under Mr. Burns in the nuclear power plant. Mr. Burns orders from the restaurant, and finds a fortuneteller in his fortune cookie, wrote by Homer, which reads "You will find true love on Flag Day."
Cultural references
- The title of the episode is an obvious reference to the line "I'm just a hunka hunka burning love" from the song "Burning Love" by Elvis Presley.
- Mr. Burns saying "frabjous day" and "Callooh! Callay!" is a reference to the poem "Jabberwocky" from Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll. He also said "Callooh! Callay!" in Season 2's Principal Charming. This is also said by Moe Syzlak in Eeny Teeny Maya Moe.
- On the news, Mr. Burns mentions that he drives a Bugatti Sexarossa, a reference to the Ferrari Testarossa.
- The dance Mr. Burns does in the club is a reference to the way Shermy dances in "A Charlie Brown Christmas."
- This episode aired after the death of George Harrison and was dedicated to his memory.
- Snake claims he got the cabin hideout from a man named Gustafson, a reference to the film "Fargo."
- The song played during Mr Burns and Gloria's date montage is "If I Don't Have You" by NRBQ. From their album "Wild Weekend".
- Mr. Monopoly steals Burns' date, to which Burns replies: "Between him and Scrooge McDuck all the best ankle is taken."
- Mr. Burns and Gloria eat spaghetti like the dogs in Lady And The Tramp during their date montage.
- When Mr. Burns takes Gloria to his bedroom he says he'll make her forget all about Rudolph Valentino.