The Pen Is Mightier
Tapped Out Quest Information
The Pen Is Mightier is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Homer vs the 18th Amendment content update. It requires Meathook to be obtained.
Pt. 1
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
You know who I was just thinking about?
I'm hoping the raccoon squatting in the guest bath and how to get rid of it.
No, Meathook! Remember the man who kidnapped you?
Yes, Homie. I think I'd remember a man who kidnapped me.
Let's track him down and see what Meathook's up to. It will be fun. You did say you wanted more couple activities.
I was thinking more like square dancing. But tracking down the motorcycle gang who abducted me could be fun too.
Task: "Make Meathook Enjoy Another Simpson-Free Day". The job takes place at the Circle of Death and takes 8 hours. Task: "Make Homer Find Meathook". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 8 hours.
Meaty, old boy. Remember me?
Oh god. It's that voice that haunts my dreams. Those abnormally loud sweat drips. That powerful odor. Please don't let that be who I think it is.
Hey... you. So good to see you...
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
It's so crazy we found you. I was just thinking about all the wild adventures we had as fellow Hell's Satans and I wanted to say hello.
We were never fellow Hell's Satans but, sure, rewrite history.
What illegal hijinks are you up to? What are we smuggling? Is it Mexican Jumping Beans?!?!
No, Homer. We're only doing the darkest, soul-wrenching activity there is.
Task: "Make Meathook Recite Poetry". The job takes place at the Circle of Death and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Homer Have His Expectations Dashed". The job takes place at the Circle of Death and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Marge Be Moved by Poetry". The job takes place at the Circle of Death and takes 4 hours.
And I realized my true enemy-
-was me... And the U.S. Postal Service.
I've committed a lot of mail fraud.
So moving! Was that a haiku?
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
I can't believe I sat through that entire thing and my children weren't even in it.
How come they didn't do any bad stuff? Did someone at least pickpocket my wallet while I slept?
No, actually Meathook found your wallet in the bathroom and returned it with more cash in it than before.
We no longer express our anger physically, Homer. We get all of our aggression out in lyrical expression now.
Task: "Make Homer Insist on Illegal Activities". The job takes place at the Circle of Death and takes 60 minutes. Task: "Make Meathook Insist on Peaceful Activities". The job takes place at the Circle of Death and takes 60 minutes.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 4
After tapping on Meathook's exclamation mark
We've changed our image, Homer. We only wish you could do the same. Why after all these years, you still seem exactly the same.
I get it. You are under surveillance and can't talk about it. Just wink if you are doing bad stuff.
I saw a wink! I knew it!
That wasn't a wink! You just brought back my stress twitch!
Oh come on. Little poet can't handle a little stress?
It took me years to get rid of this twitch! I'll kill you!
Task: "Make Meathook Duel Homer". The job takes place at the Circle of Death and takes 3 hours.
After starting the job
Oh my. Two men battling for my affection.
I'm battling out of anger.
And I'm battling for reasons I forget... like all of my battles.
You couldn't let me spin this one, could you guys? I ask for so little.
After finishing the task
Can't go on... poetry has made me weak.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 5
After tapping on Meathook's exclamation mark
I can't believe that happened. If I were the old me, I would hit the road with my gang and light a police cruiser on fire.
But instead, I'm going to put these emotions to paper and touch people instead of torch people.
Come on, Homie. Let's go home and write our own poetry.
Awww, man.
Homer - WooHoo
Woo Hoo!
Task: "Make Meathook Write Down His Emotions". The job takes place at the Circle of Death and takes 4 hours. Task: "Make Homer Take Marge Home". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 4 hours.
Quest reward: 200 and 20
Behind the Laughter
The quest name is a reference to the expression "the pen is mightier than the sword".