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Dark Radioactive Man! is a Radioactive Man story that appears in Radioactive Man #412.
Dr. Crab has captured the whole Superior Squadron, except for Radioactive Man and Fallout Boy. Dr. Crab threatens to kill them with his accelerated particle blaster, unless Radioactive Man gives up, and because does not have a plan right now he gives up temporarily. Dr. Crab attaches a belt to Fallout Boy and Radioactive Man, which makes them incapable of using their power. Dr. Crab tells them that they are in his Asteroid base and after he flies, it starts to travel directly into the sun. Radioactive Man starts to get a flashback about why he is here: he was with Gloria Grand on the presidential debates, after which they went to the opera, where he received an alert from Superior Squadron that they were in danger. Radioactive Man and Fallout Boy sought after the source of the signal and it led them to Dr. Crab, who managed to defeat him. Captain Squid begins to fight against the stassis field, and finds a vent in the tube, in which he can use his extended finger to reach the button that takes off Radioactive Man's belt. Radioactive Man breaks himself out and finishes Dr. Crab off, then releases his friends. Radioactive Man happens to step on the particle blaster control and activates the beam, which shoots straight at him. He stops breathing and has no pulse; he's dead. The blast torches the asteroid and destroys it, so they decide to escape from the asteroid.
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