Revision as of 08:28, July 5, 2024
Tapped Out Quest Information
Narcoleps-Zzzzzzz is a temporary questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the "Every Man's Dream" episode tie-in content update. It unlocks Oedipus Rx and Homer Dog.
Pt. 1
After starting the update
Homer, wake up!
Zzzz. Zzzz.
Hu-wha-uh? Oh, good morning.
It's 6 in the evening, Homer!
Well, it's 9 AM somewhere.
You've been sleeping all day. I need you to go to the pharmacy to pick up Bart's “vitamins.”
Hey, why did you say “vitamins” like it was in quotes?
Because we “care” about you.
Task: "Make Homer Get Bart's “Vitamins”". The job takes 60 minutes.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
Homer, were you sleeping again?
Oh great, another lecture from Mrs. I-Only-Sleep-Once-A-Day.
I'm not mad, Homer.
Mrs. I-Have-a-Special-Outfit-Just-For-Sleeping-In. Would you like a pillow for your head while you do it?
Please Homer, I'm just worried about you. Maybe you should see a doctor.
Okay. But I'm only going for the lollipop after.
Task: "Make Homer Visit the Doctor". The job takes 2 hours.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
You fell asleep again?!
I'm sorry. I was just so tired from all the sleeping I was doing earlier.
I think Dad might be narcoleptic.
Narcoleptic?! I'm no snitch.
Not like Flanders -- he's totally a snitch.
No Dad, it's a medical condition. You really should go see that doctor.
And get Bart's “vitamins.”
Well, I'm not doing both. What's closer, the hospital or the pharmacy?
The pharmacy hasn't been built yet.
Well, build it close. In the meantime I'm going to take a nap.
Task: "Place Oedipus Rx". It takes 24 hours. Task: "Make Homer Take A Nap". The job takes place at the Simpson House and takes 60 minutes.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 4
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
Hey pharmacist, I'm here to pick up some “vitamins” for my angelic son… by which I mean ADD meds to keep him from setting fire to things.
ne lazy parent's special coming up.
Hey, I'm not lazy!
Okay. Just sign your name here.
My whole name?! How about just my initials… and let's pretend I have no last name.
Okay. Have your son take one of these each morning. Side effects include staying awake, decreased appetite, and diarrhea.
Staying awake, huh? So these could cure my narcolepsy? And my fatness? And my constipation?
Yeah, but they're for your “son.”
Task: "Make Homer Take Bart's “Vitamins”". The job takes place at Oedipus Rx and takes 60 minutes.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 5
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
Wow, Bart's medicine kept me awake all day AND made me super-productive.
It only took me thirty minutes to shop at the Kwik-E-Mart. And eight hours to do a sixteen hour plant shift. And twenty-two and a half seconds to play with my myPad!
I got twice as much done today by taking just one of these pills.
Which means if I took ten of them I'd do eleven times as much work! Or 1024 times as much, if it's multiplicative instead of additive.
Task: "Make Homer Take Handfuls of Bart's “Vitamins”". The job takes place at Oedipus Rx and takes 2 hours.
Are you okay, mister?
I feel great! It's all so amazing. I can see colors!
Aw, you're such a handsome fellow. I just want to rub your belly!
Wha--?! Are you talking to me?
No buddy, she's talking to me.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 6
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
Oh man, this is great! I feel so productive!
I'm in the perfect state of mind to work at the nuclear power plant.
The pill bottle even said something about operating heavy machinery.
You shall not pass.
Mr. Burns, you look different. Did you get a new haircut? Another liver spot? A glossier patina?
I'm not Mr. Burns! I'm the manifestation of all your fears and insecurities. I might look scary, but follow me and I will show you enlightenment.
Pfft. I'm not going to take orders from a figment of my imagination.
Yeah. Get him!
Aye-aye, Homer Dog!
You work the gut. I'll pee on his leg!
Task: "Reach Level 11 and Build the Cooling Towers". Task: "Make Homer Battle his Outer Demons". The job takes place at the Cooling Towers and takes 6 hours.
Jeez, Homer looks like he's in pretty rough shape. You think we should do something?
Nah, I heard that waking up somebody in a drug trance is bad luck.
I heard if you die while you're on drugs, you die in real life!
Dibs on Marge!
A giant idol of Mr. Burns is now available in the store! See what the birds think of this monolith.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 7
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
Those pills really knocked me for a loop. But it WAS the most productive trip I ever had.
Did I dream I was talking to a dog with my face? Man, that was crazy.
Tell me about it. I dreamt I was talking to a man with my face.
Task: "Tap Homer Dog".
This has been a weird day, even by my standards. But at least no one got hurt.
Bart went into a seizure from not getting his medicine.
Oh. But he's not hurt now, right?
I guess not.
Good, then everything's back to normal. I'm finally free from narcoleps--
Tune in to this week's Simpsons to see if Homer really is narcolepsy free. Sunday 8/7 Central on FOX!
Quest reward: 100 and 10