
The Simpsons: Tapped Out Rise of the Robots content update/Robo-Mania Gameplay

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Dances With Robots[edit]

After the user logs in on April 7th:
Rumble Announcer 1 Robot Rumble is back and it's going to be more troubling than ever!
Rumble Announcer 2 We've got new gears, increased battery life, and added pain circuits so the robots will feel every drill bit and saw tooth.
Rumble Announcer 1 And we're going to be auditioning fan-built bots here in Springfield next week!
Rumble Announcer 2 Get those circular saw blades from the garage and wake your dads up from their naps! You could be the next Robot Rumble Star!
Bart Hey Homer, how would you like to spend some time together where I pretend to appreciate and respect you?
Homer Hmm, there's a first time for everything. But I'm busy, so no.
Lisa I thought it was very sweet the way you dressed up as Bart's robot, Chief Knockahomer, and fought in the Robot Rumble for him before so he wouldn't think you're a failure as a father.
Homer Yeah, but those other robots almost killed me! And that was before I would have to add a concussion circuit.
Lisa Dad, you were already getting concussions when you fought before.
Bart Yeah, now the robots can get 'em too, so it's finally a fair fight!
Homer Oooh, I do like a fair fight...
Task: Make Bart Try to Talk Homer Into Fighting Again (6s, Simpson House)
Task: Make Homer Consider Fighting Again (6s, Simpson House)
Rumble Announcer 1 One last thing I should mention is that the robots are going to be way more stabby, too!
Rumble Announcer 2 They're going to stab harder, faster, and deeper...and like it more!
Homer You're on your own, boy!
Bart Aw man! What am I gonna do now?
Lisa Maybe there's a way you can still bring Chief Knockahomer back to "life"...
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10


Robo-Mania Pt. 1[edit]

After completing Dances With Robots:
Lisa You know, Database and those guys are into robots. I bet they could help you turn Chief Knockahomer into a real robot this time.
Bart Aw man, the nerds? I hate hanging around those guys. They smell weird. I can't put my finger on what it is.
Lisa We prefer the term Academic-Americans, and that smell is fear.
Bart Fear of what?
Lisa Bullies, B's on tests, bench-warming splinters, and that's just the Bs.
Bart The list is alphabetical?
Lisa Alphanumerical, actually. It's a clever system combining alphabetical order with Scrabble point values...
Bart You're being boring!
Lisa Amazing. That was the next fear on the list!
Bart How can we find these Nerdulonic-Americans and see if they'll help us build a rumble-ready robot?
Lisa Just follow your nose!
Lisa You weren't wrong about the smell.
Task: Collect Wrenches [x115]
Task: Make Bart Look for Nerds (4h)
Task: Make Lisa Help Look for Nerds (4h, The Prodigy Barn, Springfield Library or Springfield Elementary)
Bart I can't find those nerds anywhere!
Lisa That's because you just rode your skateboard around for four hours!
Lisa Four hours exactly...which is oddly specific, now that I think about it.
Bart Right, and you timing me wasn't weird at all. So did you find the nerds?
Lisa No, but I do have one last place to try...
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Robo-Mania Pt. 2[edit]

After completing Robo-Mania Pt. 1:
Lisa And here we are!
Bart Prodigy Barn? What is this, Sheets, Shirts & Sundries for nerds?
Lisa Do you want a functional robot or not? Look, you see? They're already working on robots now.
Cosine Tangent Indeed we are! Observe: the new pinnacle in robot technology!
Bart It's just walking. That's lame.
Database While clutching its textbooks to its chest in classic nerd style — and avoiding eye contact in a range of 360 degrees!
Lewis Clark And look what happens when you give it a "flat tire": it auto-cringes, rights itself, and mumbles an apology!
Martin Suck eggs, Boston Dynamics!
Bart LAME.
Bart But you know what's cool? Robots that can fight!
Martin *gasp* But building fighting robots would violate the code of robot ethics we all swore to uphold!
Cosine Tangent Yes, we've found that the use of violence inevitably results in said violence being used on us.
Bart Right. And you all must have signed this lame code of ethics AFTER you helped me build the Wedgie-Matic 6000.
Lewis Clark I knew that would come back to bite us.
Task: Collect Wrenches [x155]
Task: Make Bart Convince Nerds to Build Fighting Robots (3h, The Prodigy Barn)
Task: Make Lisa Try to Help Bart Convince Nerds (3h, The Prodigy Barn)
Task: Make Nerds Demand Favors in Return [x3] (3h, The Prodigy Barn)
Martin Three acknowledgements and unlimited Cosmic Wars references. That is our final offer.
Bart What kind of references are we talking about?
Database Quotes like "These are not the cyberbots you're seeking!"
Cosine Tangent "Scumbaggio Fired Second!"
Martin "Duke! We are your uncles!"
Bart Fine!
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Robo-Mania Pt. 3[edit]

After completing Robo-Mania Pt. 2:
Mr. Burns I hear that these "scrapping automatons" are all the rage about town!
Smithers Well, yes sir. With the plebeians. But don't you think you're above that?
Mr. Burns Piffle! Mechanical pugilists are a time-honored tradition. I myself went three rounds against a Pneumatic Irishman while I was at Yale.
Mr. Burns Afterwards, we sang the night away at Morries and he stole my sweater.
Mr. Burns I must acquire a mechano-bot capable of teaching these Stove-pipe Stovers who's Johnny on the Quad!
Smithers Anticipating your every Dickensian whim as ever, I have already purchased one and here it is!
Homer I got your thingy here...
Mr. Burns Smithers, that slap-dash simulacrum is devoid of even the slightest semblance of humanity!
Smithers That's Homer Simpson, one of your...
Mr. Burns Yes, yes, we've had quite enough of that one haven't we?
Smithers Yes, sir. Your robot is the mechanical bear he's pushing.
Mr. Burns Ah, so just a robot bear, you say?
Smithers It is the most fearsome killer robot on the face of the earth, sir.
Mr. Burns And yet I'm disappointed. Curious.
Mr. Burns Have him put it in the corner, where it will remind me of my disappointment in you, Smithers.
Homer I just need you to sign here, here, and intial here.
Mr. Burns Why is it coming towards us?
Homer Maybe I shouldn't have used the controller as a clipboard.
Task: Collect Wrenches [x115]
Task: Make Homer Accidentally Break Control Unit (2h, Burns Manor, Mansion of Solid Gold, Control Building or Simpson House)
Task: Make Burns Flee Bear Robot Rampage (2h, Burns Manor, Mansion of Solid Gold, Control Building or Simpson House)
If the user has Smithers: Task: Make Smithers Flee Bear Robot Rampage (2h, Burns Manor, Mansion of Solid Gold, Control Building or Simpson House)
Smithers I'm sorry, sir. The bear robot is a disaster.
Mr. Burns Nonsense! Have it delivered to the break room first thing Monday morning. And have the results filmed for one of those new computer talkies the kids are into these days.
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Robo-Mania Pt. 4[edit]

After completing Robo-Mania Pt. 3:
Martin Huzzah, my fellow cybernauts!
Nelson Big deal, we all have fighting robots now.
Cosine Tangent What? How?
Kearney They sell them now at the Blazing Topic store in the outlet mall.
Dolph Across from the anime t-shirts, next to the lame 70s bands t-shirts.
Nelson Mine pounds nerds for lunch money.
Database Which makes it indistinguishable from a human bully.
Martin Behold, fellows! The Turing test has been satisfied for Artifical Unintelligence — a development both thrilling and alarming!
Cosine Tangent Let us respond as we would to their human counterparts and run away!
Task: Collect Wrenches [x155]
Task: Make Bart Ditch Nerds (1h, Springfield Elementary, Springfield Park Entrance, Kwik-E-Mart or Simpson House)
Task: Make Bullies Bully Using Robots [x3] (1h, Springfield Elementary, Springfield Park Entrance, Kwik-E-Mart or Simpson House)
Task: Make Nerds Flee Robots [x3] (1h, Springfield Elementary, Springfield Park Entrance, Kwik-E-Mart or Simpson House)
Cosine Tangent My humiliation is identical to what I have experienced at the hands of human bullies. What a time to be a nerd!
Bart Guys, just finish rebuilding Chief Knockahomer and I'll get revenge on all their robots for you!
Martin Revenge IS a classic motivator...
Quest reward: Cash100 and XP10

Robo-Mania Pt. 5[edit]

After completing Robo-Mania Pt. 4:
Martin We're almost finished constructing your metallic myrmidon — now we just need a CPU to manage its higher cognitive functions.
Bart What?
Database Your metal fighting thingy needs a computer brain thingy.
Bart Oh, that makes sense. How about this old myPod Shuffle?
Lewis Clark Wait, you expect us to build a sophisticated combat AI into outdated Mapple Computers technology?
Bart ...
Bart Yes?
Cosine Tangent Eh, we've done more with less.
Task: Collect Wrenches [x195]
Task: Make Bart Supply myPod Shuffle for Robot Brain (4h, The Prodigy Barn)
Task: Make Nerds Rebuild Chief Knockahomer [x3] (4h, The Prodigy Barn)
Martin Sweet Asimov's sideburns! It's alive!
Martin I've always wanted to say that.
Bart Chief Knockahomer? Buddy?
Tapped Out Chief Knocka-Homer Icon.png Acknowledged. I am online and ready for combat.
Tapped Out Chief Knocka-Homer Icon.png Because she told me to WALK THIS WAY! WALK THIS WAY!
Database Uh...okay. Bart, where did you get that myPod that we used to power Chief Knockahomer's central processor?
Bart Found it on the bus. Pretty sure it was Otto's.
Quest reward: Cash200 and XP20