Monty's Morphin Power Wrangler/Quotes
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- Homer: Lisa! You're smart! Come fill my brain with smartness! Nerds are mocking your father, honey. Where can I find facts so I can shame them at their own game? That game being trivita.
- Lisa: Well, you can probably find a book of fun facts at the Springfield Library.
- Homer: A book?! Ugh! Can't I just take a pill or something?
- Lisa: Hrmmm...
- Mr. Burns: My lawyers urge me to tell you it is my "pleasure" to introduce to you lemming-like consumers... ...the Burnsmobile!
- Lenny Leonard: But, I've already got a car I call the Burnsmobile. It smells like it's on fire when I drive it.
- Carl Carlson: Yeah. What's the big deal?
- Lisa: Thye car runs completely on electricity! You'll be cutting down on exhaust pollution and helping the unvironment! It's the first step toward saving the planet! Plus, you'll never have to go the gas station again.
- Carl: Since you put it that way... ...I'm crashing my old car and byting two!
- Lenny: Tonight, my old Burnsmobile really will be on fire.
- Mr. Burns: Smithers, drain the caviar pool. I want to bathe in my newfound riches.
- Homer: Apu! Do you have any of those juice bottles with the facts on the bootle caps?
- Apu: Yes. Yes, we do. Many, many bottles.
- Homer: Give me all of them, Apu! I only got thirty-four bottle cap facts from work, and I'm going to need lots more if I'm goning to win at Moe's trivia night!
- Apu: That will be thirteeen thousand dollars!
- Homer: Heh, he! Those dorks won't know what hit 'em!
- Lisa: Mr. Burns, stop! You're leaking nuclear waster all over!
- Mr. Burns: This was you dream, little girl.
- Lisa: Not like this! You aren't fighting for the environment. You're just a greedy old man fighting for money!
- Bart: Why're you so happy, Lis?
- Lisa: Since the entire town showed up to watch the demolition, all the cars in the parking lot were destroyed. So until the new cars come in, everyone is riding bikes! My dream has come true!