Montgomery Burns Games

The Charles Montgomery Burns Games is a sporting event created by Charles Montgomery Burns.
Before the first game, the top athletes from around the world were invited to participate, but nobody wanted to participate, so all the athletes were from Shelbyville and Springfield. The fire was kindled by Leroy "Shakey" McGee. Some of the events included: skydiving with a snowboard, fishing and sleigh. Before the last race Shelbyville was beating Springfield by ten points, which meant that whoever won the last event, The Ultra-Extreme Mega-Downhill Snowboarding Competition, would win the games. The competition was between Bart Simpson and Larry "Never Lose" Newell. Before the competition begins, Mr. Burns tells Bart that if he wins, he will be able to "milk this cash cow in years", but if he loses he has a place for him in Fable Burns' Family Dungeon. The contest starts and Bart and Newell are neck and neck, but it turns out that Newell has cheated and caused Bart to fall off his snowboard. Mr. Burns jumps onto his snowboard and competes against Newell. Burns turns out to be good, and wins the race. The people of Springfield celebrate Burns' victory. During the awards ceremony, Mr. Burns finds out that he has been the victim of a special tryout for the U.S. Snowboarding Team. Burns refuses because he is a champion and the Burns Games are superior to the Olympics. He tells the audience that he will not "yoke himself to a cart of fools". He begins to wonder why he wasted his time with these miscreants, and goes back to the power plant.