Heavy Carb Rain
Tapped Out Quest Information
Heavy Carb Rain is an event-exclusive quest in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Donut Day 2016 part of the Homer's Chiliad content update.
Between June 3, 2016 and ended on June 6, 2016
Looks like it might rain. I hope I don't have to change my outdoor laundry folding session to an indoor one! I'd have to change out the baskets and everything.
Considering it's never rained once in this town, I'd say you're safe.
That's not a cloud, that's a poofy zeppelin. The Kaiser's returned! And he wants his rolls back!
In honor of National Donut Day, we've decided to make it rain... donuts! Open your mouths and stay off the roads!
Quest Reward: 15