Glayvin the Score
Tapped Out Quest Information
Glayvin the Score is a questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the New User Power Ups content update. It unlocks the XP Collider.
After reaching Level 20
Rebuilding Springfield used to happen so fast -- five minute jobs, hour-long build time -- but now it's taking forever.
Maybe it has something to do with escalating lumber costs...
Yeah, or maybe the game designers are trying to slow us down because they're running out of content.
Ahoyvin! While that use to be the case, it's not anymore. There's tons of stuff still to do... and I've found a way to race through it!
Task: "Place the XP Collider".
When the XP Collider is active, you get 5 times more XP! Enjoy the first 24 hours on us!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Homer's exclamation mark
Behold... the XP Collider!
With this machine, and a bit of what you might call 'hard work,' you can increase your efficiency by five hundred percent!
Ugh. Can you just tell us what it does in lame-man terms?
It makes stuff awesome. Give it a whirl with a simple task!
I'll do the simplest!
Task: "Make Homer Play With His myPad". The job takes 45 seconds.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
OH MY GOD. What is this feeling?
Most American car horns honk in the key of F. Every time you lick a stamp, you consume a tenth of a calorie...
Reindeer like to eat bananas.
Wait... reindeer like to eat BANANAS??
What is happening to me? Why do I know all these useless but super cool stuff? I feel... S-M-R-T. Smart.
That is the miraculous work of the XP Collider.
From now on, every time someone does something in this Springfield, everybody will get the intellectual benefit.
Does that mean I can sit around and do nothing from now on and reap the benefits?
Well, you still have to get up periodically and recharge the collider.
Get up?! UGH, it's always something!
Tap on the XP Collider to recharge it once it is depleted!