Flaw and Order
Tapped Out Quest Information
Flaw and Order is a questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. Sideshow Bob is unlocked at the end of it. It was introduced in the Terwilligers content update. It unlocks Sideshow Bob if he is not already owned.
After completing Sideshow Bob Has Escaped (Again)
Good news, Bart. The psychopathic killer who has dedicated his life to your death has escaped from prison.
Sideshow Bob escaped?! How is that good news?
You get to stay home from school until they arrest him.
Wow. I hope my murderer escapes more often.
Well that isn't going to happen. We're going to catch Sideshow Bob and put him in the most secure solitary confinement we have: "The Glass Cube".
Nothing can destroy it, except its natural enemy: rocks.
Task: "Arrest Sideshow Bob".
Enjoy the Glass Cube, Sideshow Bob. I've never seen a villain escape from such a place.
Then again, I never watch the movies.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Bart's exclamation mark
Hey, I just saw Sideshow Bob running around free again.
I thought you put him in "The Glass Cube." You said it was inescapable.
It is. But it's also really expensive. You can't believe what we spend in glass cleaner alone.
So we stuck Bob back in medium security. He may escape a few more times, but eventually he'll get the message.
Unless he kills you first. Then I guess he won't get the message.
Task: "Arrest Sideshow Bob" (x3).
Back to jail, you sidekick from Hell.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
After tapping on Lisa's exclamation mark
Chief Wiggum, I just saw Sideshow Bob on the loose yet again!
I thought you put him in a medium security prison.
He was really wrecking up our prison.
So now we have him sitting in the police station guarded by a really mean dog.
Actually, kind of a nice dog. We were scared to have a mean dog around the station.
Okay, don't give me that look. I hate it when children give me that look.
Task: "Arrest Sideshow Bob" (x5).
You're wasting your time. You can't keep me in jail.
That's where you're wrong, Sideshow Bob. You'll never escape again.
I mean, really, it's exhausting. You'll be good, right?
I'm gonna call that a "yes".
New Character: Sideshow Bob
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Behind the Laughter[edit]
The quest name is a reference to Law & Order.