
Bart's Name Is Mud!/Quotes

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Bart: What do you think, Milhouse? Is it a day for dodgeball?
Milhouse Van Houten: Oh, Bart. Can we play kickball? It results in a lot less bruising.
Bart: Either one, dude. I'm happy as long as we get outta that stuffy classroom.

Bart: Grondskeeper Willie, what gives?
Groundskeeper Willie: I was celebratin' Kilmanock's win over Aberdeen pretty hard last night. Must've done some midnight land-scapin' without knowin'. Guess I fell asleep at the hose!

Bart: C'mon, everyone! What are you waiting for? Let's play dirty!
Sherri or Terri: We can't!
Sherri or Terri: These are new dresses.
Martin Prince: Yes, we should stay clean.
Milhouse: If we get all muddy, Principal Skinner will be mad.
Bart: Sure, play and you might get in trouble. Stay clean and you'll be safe... ...but years from now when you're old fuddy duddies, you'll wish you'd traded all your clean clothes for one chance, just once chance, to tell Skinner that he may give us detentions, but he'll never take... our recess!

Milhouse: Martin, what are you doing?
Martin: I'm taking advantage of the loosened soil to search for artifacts! I'm finding fascinating items. Would you like my archaeological dig?
Milhouse: No, but some mud has... uh... made its way... of... into my underpants!
Martin: Eww!

Principal Skinner: What is going here?
Bart: What's going on? Only the best recess ever!
Miss Hoover: They're rolling around in the filth like little piggies.
Edna Krabappel: Ha! At least pigs will one day become bacon. Odds are against anyone in this group making a contribution to society.