United States Coast Guard

The United States Coast Guard is a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, charged with defending the country's coastlines and providing maritime law enforcement. It has a station in Springfield.
The Springfield Squares was once filmed on location at Springfield Harbor, but was interrupted by the Coast Guard, who warned of an approaching tsunami.[1]
When Lisa asks Homer who will police the police, Homer responds "I don't know, Coast Guard?"[2]
When Homer drove his car off a dock, the Coast Guard fished it out of the water.[3]
Horatio McCallister saw the Springfield Coast Guard station through his telescope during a storm, and was confused when he saw a man raising two flags with "Homer Dope" posters.[4]
Behind the Laughter
One of the Coast Guard's responsibilities is providing warnings of severe weather near the coast by means of raising flags at its stations. The man whom McCallister spotted appears to be raising flags to indicate a hurricane force wind warning, but the flags' black squares have been covered by "Homer Dope" posters (hence, McCallister's confusion).
Episode – "Krusty Gets Kancelled"
Episode – "Homer the Vigilante" (mentioned)
Episode – "Brake My Wife, Please"
Episode – "Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart"