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Reconsidering image
It's the establishing shot the show itself used for Cuba. It's not just "one building," but one of the most important national symbols for Cubans and other people for Cuba like the Statue of Liberty for America or Big Ben for England. Snowball II (talk) 17:13, April 16, 2024 (EDT)
- We also don't just have a shot of the Statue of Liberty for the USA article or Big Ben for the England article. The images show off more. Using England as an example, it shows off Big Ben and the surrounding area. Showing off just one building, even if it's iconic, doesn't really feel like the best representation for a country as a whole. Especially when we have more shots of wider areas of the capital city of said country. The Solar Dragon 19:20, April 16, 2024 (EDT)
- It's not a single building, it's an establishing with Havana Harbor and fishing boats and the actual Cuban flag and a sign gag which is very in-line with this show. That's more going on the picture then the one for Scotland. The other just a cityscape of Havana and also don't have a shot of a specific cityscape for Seattle or Detroit or Atlanta or wherever used for the United States either. Just deferring to what the show decided as for it's establishing shot they decided to create. Snowball II (talk) 19:36, April 16, 2024 (EDT)