The Trouble with Trillions
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The Trouble With The Trillons was the 20 episode of the ninth season of the show
it starts off with everybody in Springfield counting down the seconds before the new year starts. the fireworks go off and wake up Ned and reminding him that he has to get his taxes done.Ned turns his taxes in happy and asured.Then it goes to April 15 where every one is in a scuffle to turn there taxes in berfore 12:00am.while watching that scene happen on the news Lisa reminds Homer that he forgot to turn his taxes.he writes a bunch of false information on a paper and drives off like a crazed lunatic.He rushes to the post office and turns in he false tax return just in time but lands in the audit box.a day later the IRS discovers Homers fraud and is arrested at Moe's right on the spot.The goverment and Homer make a deal that he will spy on his bar buddys with a hidden microphone.While in the bar Homer discovers that Charlie leads a group of people that beats up senators presidents and other goverment officals.Charlie is then arrested seconds after telling homer his plan
Goverment officals are impressed with Homers spying skills.So Agent Jhonson asks Homer to do a second misson he takes Homer to a photobooth and shows him a top seceret viedo from 1945.About how Mr.Burns stole a trillon dollar bill and that is still in his old greedy hands today.At first Homer refuses to steal from his own boss but Agent Jhonson tells him if he dosn't he will be seeing a life sentence.
homer arrives at Mr.Burns mansion and tells him that he is a from colliers magazine.Mr.Burns belives him and lets him in his house.Homer is given the whole tour of the house.then he shows Homer a statue of him holding the trillon dollar bill.but then pulls the real trillon dollar bill from his shirt pocket. in moments after the trillon dollar was pulled.Agent Jhonson bursts though the door and arrests him.Homer then realizes that this cannot happen to his boss he knocks out the two agents. Mr.Burns drives Homer to Smithers home get him.aNd the three go onto Mr.Burns plane and land on the island of Cuba.where the trillon dollar bill is stolen by Fidel Castro.then it goes to a cut scene where a unshaven Smithers Homer Burns are on a make shift raft and Mr.Burns annnouces he can just bribe the jury into finding him a innocent man.that is where the epiode ends.