Homer's Night Out/References
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Debut Appearances
Eye lids not fully colored
- In this episode, Homer weighs 239 lbs.
- First appearance of Lenny and Carl. However, both Carl and Lenny's voices sound different in this episode. In fact the characters traded voice actors: Carl was voiced by Harry Shearer and Lenny was voiced by Hank Azaria.
- Princess Kashmir is also known as April Flowers, but her real name is Shauna Tifton.
- Princess Kashmir is seen again in "Lisa's Pony", where she is dating Apu.
- The copier's price is 5 cents on a sign, but 10 cents next to the coin slot, and Milhouse actually puts a penny in.
- When showing Barney his house, Homer says that someone must have left the porch light on, but the Simpson family doesn't even have a porch.
- When Homer and Barney are looking out Barney's home's window, the lights of the city is similar to the shape of Marge's angry face.
- Names of strip clubs Homer and Bart go to include "Florence of Arabia" (spoofing Lawrence of Arabia) and "Girlesque" (a play on the word "burlesque", a synonym for a strip club), in addition to the names "Foxy Boxing" and "Mud City", where Homer meets Princess Kashmir.
- This is one of the few times that Homer ends up being strangled for doing something stupid or bad (something he usually does with Bart). He is strangled by Marge, who even paraphrases his remark before strangling Bart (Marge: Why you big... (strangles Homer).). Ironically, she does this just as Homer is about to strangle Bart.
- First appearance of Princess Kashmir.
- Although later episodes have hints at Martin Prince being gay, this episode clearly showed him having an attraction to Princess Kashmir in Bart's photo, implying either that he was originally considered to be straight, or that he might actually be bisexual.
- Whe Homer is giving his final speech, his eyes lids are not fully colored.
- This is the second episode to have Homer's name somewhere in the title.
- In the original photo of Bart's photo of Kashmir and Homer dancing, Kasmir's dress is over-lapping the border of the photo.
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