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Jack is the captain of The Rotting Pelican.
Jack is a resident of Barnacle Bay, a former tourist town. When the Simpson family visited the town to find it in a state of disarray, Marge asked Jack what had happened to it. Jack told the family about the Yum-Yum Fish that the town used to fish for and sell. However, the Yum-Yum Fish had since disappeared from the waters, which Lisa thought was due to overfishing.
After Homer accidentally burned down the Barnacle Bay boardwalk with fireworks, he was made to become a fisherman to pay off his debts. Jack took him aboard The Rotting Pelican to help catch more Yum-Yum Fish. After introducing Homer to the crew, they got their first haul. Most of it was trash, but they also caught some Slarg Fish, which Jack said tasted horrible, but the oil from them was used to polish stripper poles.
When Homer was making dinner for the crew, he gave the crew shrimp and bait rather than beer-battered shrimp like Jack told him to, because Homer claimed that it was Opposite Day. Jack then realized that Homer had beer-battered the hooks and the Yum-Yum Fish started biting. Jack then promoted Homer to Chief Fish Clubber then let Homer club the Yum-Yum Fish to death. As the crew kept pulling in more Yum-Yum Fish, a storm approached. The storm caused Jack's trick knee to act up, which let Jack know that it was serious...
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