Synchronicity for Two/Quotes
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- Edna Krabappel: Before we begin the show-and-tell portion of science day, Professor Frink weill give a short lecture.
- Professor Frink: Greetings, children! I'm here to introduce you to the wonders of the sweetest science... with the particles and electrons and buckyball molecules bouncing all about! I bring you... quantum mechanics! Through the study of microscopic phenomena, we can unlock the secret's of the universe! Quantum particles can even prove the existence of multiple dimensions! Who knows what those are?
- Martin Prince: Oh, we're all well-versed in the concept of alternate realities, Professor, thanks to our insatiable consumption of popular culture.
- Bart: Wha-...? Where are we?
- Professor Frink: Oh, my aching hypothalamus! Great Sagan's ghost! It apperas the multiple alterations to the photonic beam have created a rogue frequency that's actually transported us to an honest-to-galvin alterante dimension!
- Bart: Whoa! Freaky!
- Starla: My mystic oracles alerted me there were humans here, and now I see it to be true! You must absent yourselves at once! This is no place for the likes of you!
- Professor Frink: Good glavin!
- Bart: You got that right, lady!
- Starla: I sense that a temporal anomaly has brought you here.
- Professor Frink: See? That's what I said!
- Bart: Yeah, yeah...
- Starla: Alas, it is beyond my abilites to safely send you back! But I will summon someone who can!
- Plasmo: It seems your science has succeeded where my magic could not.
- Starla: Don't fell bad, Plasmo. After all... science is magic we just don't understand yet.
- Bart: We're back!
- Professor Frink: Oh, thank galvin!
- Milhouse Van Houten: What are you talking about? Back from where?
- Edna: Bart! Take your seat before you case any more trouble!
- Professor Frink: Oh don't be too hard on the lad. A little rambunctious play can sometimes open up whole new worlds!
- Bart: Whoo-hoo! I'm a scienteist!