I'm Rubber, You're Glue/Quotes
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- Dr. Nick: You've got the superflu! A disease that only affects super heroes!
- Clobber Girl: But I had a flu shot! I take vitamins! I wash my hands!
- Dr. Nick: All useless against the superflu! The're no cure, but it goes away after about a week! I had it myself!
- Clobber Girl: Yes, but remember whatever I tell you here is kept secret because of doctor-patient confidentiality!
- Stretch Dude: I don't think it works that way! But don't worry, I can keep a secret.
- Dr. Nick: Oh, in that case, Principal Skinner has a lizard tail!
- Stretch Dude: Don't worry. There's no way i'll be using that information to blackmail anyone.
- Luigi: Mama Mia! Somebody helpa' me!
- Stretch Dude: Sounds like a stereotype in danger! This looks like a job for...
- Luigi: Stretch Dude! Fat Tony he's a stealin' my meat a' balls!
- Fat Tony: I gotta have you secret recipe! Oh, and all your money, too!
- Stretch Dude: Okay, blackmailing Principal Skinner only got me the school gym for an hour, so all super applicants line up alphabetically, and we'll get this done quick! Really quick if you're just one person!
- GlueStick: Does this mean I win?!!
- Stretch Dude: Hi, Ralph!
- GlueStick: Who's Ralph?
- Stretch Dude: You don't need to protect your secret identity from me.
- GlueStick: Oh, Ralph! Sometimes when people don't talk o me for a long time I forget my name! But my super name is Gluestick.
- Fat Tony: Well, if it isn't chef boy-are-you a bad superhero! How did Luigi end up serving you last night? I suggested a nice Alfredo Sauce!
- Stretch Dude: Sorry, I can't understand a word you're saying with that thick Greek accent!
- Fat Tony: Greek?!!!
- GlueStick: I ate the glue around my feet, and it filled me back up!
- Stretch Dude: Still gross, but also brave and cool! Way to go partner!
- Legs: Take us to prison! Take us now!
- Stretch Dude: Scared of another beating?
- Legs: No, the kid won't stop licking my legs! It's creepy!
- Chief Wiggum: Cool lookin' new superhero there, Stretchy Dude. Will he be staying?
- Fat Tony: [EEEW!]
- Stretch Dude: Oh, I think he'll stick around!