The Devil is in the Details
Tapped Out Quest Information
The Devil is in the Details is an event-exclusive quest in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Treehouse of Horror XXXI content update.
After starting the update
Okay, set those digital whiteboards up over there. Gently...gently...
Digital whiteboards, new computers for every student... Mr. Skinner, did the school win its lawsuit against Burns Slant Drilling?
No, Lisa. Sadly, it turns out Mr. Burns locked up all Native American property rights decades ago...
| the school being built on top of an ancient burial ground is NOT going to finally pay off.
Gee, that's...too bad. Then how is the school paying for all this fancy new equipment?
We, uh, have a new partnership with a very financially well-off neighboring school district.
Shelbyville doesn't have any money, and although half of Europe seems to be located in Springfield now, I don't think they count either.
Can't we just have nice things for once?
In a public school? No.
Uh, just run along now, Lisa. School is no place for children to be asking questions.
Task: "Make Lisa Get to the Bottom of This". The job takes place at Springfield Elementary, Springfield High School, the Town Hall, or a Brown House and takes 60 seconds.
I've tracked down the superintendent of this flimflam school district, and it's...the devil?!
Well, one of 'em. I'm the scarier one. You can call me Old Scratch.
I don't plan on calling you at all.
Oh, you will. There are so many portals between Springfield and Hell, you really can't avoid me.
I can't believe Principal Skinner allowed this!
Please. Making deals with the devil is way above Seymour's pay grade.
Superintendent Chalmers, you must know how devil stories always play out.
No worries. We have a legally binding contract. This deal's on the up and up.
Or should we say the down and down below. Heh, heh!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Behind the Laughter
The quest name is the idiom "the devil is in the details", alluding to a catch or mysterious element hidden in the details.