Itchy & Scratchy's Top 40
Comic Story information
Itchy & Scratchy's Top 40 is a Simpsons Illustrated 3D comic story that first printed in The Simpsons Annual 1992.
Itchy & Scratchy tell us about the forty things they like most.
- Random acts of mindless violence.
- Things that go SPLAT!
- Booby traps.
- Subdural hematomas.
- El Supremo exploding cigars.
- Blunt instruments.
- Sharp objects.
- Overseas animation.
- Short fuses.
- Mindless acts of random violence.
- Sledgehammers.
- The timeless fashion statement of white gloves with rolled cuffs & little black lines on the back.
- Anvils.
- Things that go BLAM!!
- The second amendment.
- Running amok.
- Wreaking havoc.
- Desert Storm.
- Things that go KER-CHUNK!!!
- Residuals.
- Rumpus rooms.
- Cruelty.
- Frat boys.
- Bazookas.
- Sound effects.
- Sticks of dynamite that can easily be mistaken for birthday candles.
- Things that go KA-BLOOEY!!!!
- Highly unstable, hair-trigger, spring-loaded catapults.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- Chain saws.
- Lax gun control legislation.
- Endless variations on the old cat & mouse game.
- Carl Stalling.
- Fire axes.
- Unnatural disasters.
- Big wooden mallets.
- Nihilism.
- Violent acts of random mindlessness.
- Impressionable young minds.
- Cartoons with no redeeming moral values.