"The Bullies!"/Quotes
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- Nelson: Lunch money collection is down 4% we really gotta watch our bottom line.
- Jimbo: Purple nurples or head noogies today, gentlemen?
- Dolph: Let's keep it loose. I don't want to pigeonhole myself to early.
- Kearney: Hey, camera dude! Make sure you get my best side!
- Dolph: I had a lot of internal conflicts about becoming a bully. My folks always told me to do unto others at they would do to you. But then I remembered... I was stronger than most people, so they can't do unto my anything!
- Cosine: Perhaps you hold anger inside and express your rage by hurting others!
- Kearney: It's about passing on what I've learned to the younger bullies. Plus, whalin' on nerds.
- Bart: How's this pink belly, sir?
- Kearney: Not bad, Simpson, but it could be pinker. And it wouldn't hurt to give him a wet willie while you're at it.
- Bart: You got it!
- Kearney: Bullies today need to show respect for the old ways. If not, our entire history could tragically disappear.
- Nelson: I made a nerd read me a great quote from a ninja turtle once. It said, "You can have no dominion greater or less than that over yourself. And please, I beg of you, stop hitting me.!
- Wendell: That was me! And it was Leonardo da Vinci who said it, not a turtle!
- Nelson: I told you to shut up! I was trying to establish a contemplative mood! Now we'll need to cut to something else...
- Dolph: My dad wants me to go into managing hedge funds, so I can bully stock buyers.
- Kearney: I tried to join the army, but they said I was too aggressive.
- Jimbo: I'm going to start a detective agency to track down deadbeat dads and taser them until they tell me why they didn't come back from going out for cigarettes!
- Nelson: I'm going to invent a sustainable fuel for cars that's created from water molecules and has the ability to cure disease!