Space Patrol
Space Patrol is the seventh short in the second shorts season.
Homer and Marge are gone and Bart, Lisa, and Maggie decide to play Space Patrol. Lisa (with a saucepan on her head) is devil-may-care rocket pilot Lisuey and Maggie (also with a saucepan) is her spunky sidekick named Magina. Bart is Bartron, an evil robot from Mars gone berserk, after getting a vase stuck on his head.
Then Lisa and Maggie (also wearing red capes) are "in mortal danger of being liquidated by the horrible robot from Mars", then Bart then steps on Maggie's cape. Lisa pulls Maggie and trips Bart down, saying that perhaps next time Bart will resist his evil ways.
Bart is then standing up again, with his arms outstretched and is poked by Lisa and Maggie with broomsticks. Bart talks "lmmmke thmmmph", but Lisa tells him to calm himself and tell them where the magic space crystals that can save the galaxy are hidden. Bart is poked again, but only can mutter "Mmmfmmmphfhmmpfm". Lisa tells him to speak American, because she and Maggie (the earthlings) don't understand the Martian tongue.
When Bart wanders at the stairs, Maggie pokes her head through doorway, and sticks out her broom, tripping Bart down the stairs. Bart is shown lying on the stairs, the vase still stuck to his head, stars and spirals streaming from his head, while Lisa and Maggie admire their handiwork from the top landing. Maggie is hailed as she had rendered Bartron's anti-gravity belt non-functional.Bart wants to get the vase out of his head and tries to remove it (with no success).
Lisa asks him if he wants her to release him from the helmet of evil thoughts with her enchanted space wand. Bart tries to say "yes, yes, yes," but it sounds more like "Mmph, mmmph, mmmmmph". Lisa says that she will do it but no one would know what mysterious forces will be unleashed. Lisa then smashes the vase. Bart's face is disfigured, his eyes askew. Lisa says that inside the evil Bartron is a horrible mutant boy. Bart then stumbles around, while Lisa and Maggie are behind the couch, where they will be safe till Homer and Marge (the evil overlords) come home.
- Homer and Marge do not appear in this episode.
- This short was featured in The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular
- 742 Evergreen Terrace.jpg