Untitled Itchy & Scratchy cartoon
"Untitled Itchy & Scratchy cartoon (Replaceable You)"
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The Itchy & Scratchy Show Episode Information
An untitled episode of The Itchy & Scratchy Show was seen in "Replaceable You".
Itchy is a mad scientist working in his lab. Lying on the operating table is a large green-skinned corpse, his monster Scratchy. Itchy throws a switch, sending a charge of electricity into Scratchy. Itchy triumphantly cries "It's alive!" as Scratchy slowly sits up. Itchy fires a shotgun at Scratchy, blowing the top of his head open, and Scratchy collapses back onto the table, dead again. Itchy then puts another brain into Scratchy's head, sews his head back up, and throws the switch again. Once again Itchy cries "It's alive!" as Scratchy sits up, and again Itchy fires his shotgun at Scratchy. This time, however, Scratchy's head is blown clean off and goes flying out a window.
Scratchy's head comes to rest in a sunlit field by a lake, near a little mouse girl picking daisies. Scratchy looks up at the girl and shyly says, "Friend?" The mouse girl smiles and holds out two daisies to Scratchy, but then quickly jams them into his eyes. Scratchy screams as blood pours from his eyes, and letters spelling "THE END" are seen on the petals of the daisies.
Behind the Laughter
- The cartoon is a parody of the film Frankenstein; specifically, of the scene where Dr. Frankenstein brings the monster to life and the scene where the monster encounters a little girl tossing flowers into a lake.