Arnie Pye
Arnie Pie is a newsperson who drives a helicopter and reports with on-the-scene footage for fires, criminal escapes, and traffic in his news segment on Channel 6 TV and radio, Arnie Pie in the Sky. Arnie has a rivalry with Kent Brockman, often getting into hateful arguements with him on the air. It can be inferred Brockman is Arnie's superior, and he is merely jealous.
For example, when there was a fire in Springfield, Brockman asks Arnie if his house is okay, to which Arnie replies, "You mean your castle, kent?", and points to the mansion Brockman bought when he won the lottery. Kent then says, "I bought at the right time.", to which Arnie says, "When's my right time, Kent? When's my time?"
In another instance, Arnie Pie is chasing down criminal Homer Simpson, who was running a daycare without a permit. When Homer crashes his getaway van with the children inside into a tree, Arnie starts commenting on Homer's stupid onfoot getaway strategies, when Brockman asks "Are the children okay?". Arnie replies, "I can't see through metal, Kent!" This is a joke on Clark Kent, also known as Superman, who can see through metal.
He also once said, "I dont have a mirror that can see into people's souls, Kent, but if I did, yours would be black, Kent, black as the ace of spades!" Brockman usually shrugs off these comments with ease, but seems to respect Arnie to a degree, because he has not reported his rude statements or fired him.