This Little Wiggy
{warning:this Synposis contains an almost frame by frame story of the episode} the Episode starts off with Mrs.Krabappels doing multiplacaition problem with caculators (this is most definetly because of the schools failng test scores).then principal Skinner walks in the door waiting to introduce a guest. but the children all ready know so he just tells the robot to come in anyway.the robot introduces himself then the kids ask an aray of stupid questions.after the robots gives a speech about the brand new knowalgeuem.Bart looks out the window to see a man in a oarnge suit controling the robot he then throws a apple at the man,causing the robot to its secondary emotion destroy anything in his sight. he then attacks prnicipal Skinner, and the kids jump for joy.
After school the simpsons drive to knowalguem.Marge and Lisa are happy about the trip as opposes to the grumbling Homer and Bart. once they get into the muesuem they hear a somewhat futureistic voice on the speakers.once they get though the intro of the muesuem.they see that almost every thing is a ride of somesort.the whole family each goes there seprate ways.Bart goes to Professor Frinks latest invention the visiable computer in witch Bart destroys.the next scene goes to Bart skating on the mars section of the muesuem.he thinks this is the best parto of the muesuem until he accidently crashes (Littarly) into Ralph.then all of a suuden the bullies show up and stick Raplh into the giant ear section of the muesuem