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The Simpsons is an American animated television sitcom created by Matt Groening and produced by the Fox Broadcasting Company. The main characters are a satire of a working class family, consisting of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie. The series lampoons many aspects of American culture, society, politics and history.
The cartoon made its debut as 60 second animated bumpers for the The Tracey Ullman Show, with the first short airing on April 19, 1987. The shorts were then expanded into a full length 30 minute television spin-off by 20th Century Fox, first airing on December 17, 1989. As of now (12 2010), 21 seasons of the series have been produced and the 22nd season is currently airing.
The series currently holds the record for the longest running primetime sitcom in the history of television, running for 21 years since 1989, and becoming the longest running program on FOX.
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