Stern Lecture Plumbing
Stern Lecture Plumbing
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Location Information
Stern Lecture Plumbing is a business located in Springfield. It is owned and operated by the plumber, whose business slogan (as seen on his truck) is "I told you not to flush that."
Homer called Stern Lecture Plumbing when a pipe in his basement sprang a leak, flooding the basement with a foot of water and trapping Snowball II, much to Marge's concern. The plumber said it would take two or three weeks to get the parts he needed to fix the leak—and that was if he ordered the parts the same day, which he said he wasn't going to do. The plumber's pager then started beeping, and the message on it was "LOW BATTERY". Saying he had an emergency call, the plumber left and said that until he came back, they could just put a pan in the basement. Homer tried it and the only thing that happened was that the pan floated away, angering Homer and prompting him to add Stern Lecture Plumbing to his revenge list.
It turned out that the plumber was a member of the Stonecutters and gave preferential treatment to fellow members, in sharp contrast to his usual indifferent service. After Homer joined the Stonecutters, the plumber made a return visit to the Simpson basement. At first, the plumber tried to give Homer another brush-off, saying that since he never got around to ordering the parts, it would still be a couple of weeks before he could fix the leak. However, things changed quickly after he and Homer identified themselves to each other as Stonecutters (by exchanging the secret handshake and showing their Stonecutter T-shirts). As soon as he realized that Homer was a member, the plumber fixed the leak with one turn of his pipe wrench, reached into the water, and within seconds pulled out a spluttering-but-safe Snowball II.