Burns portrait
- "And, uh, incidentally, thanks for not making fun of my genitalia."
- ―Montgomery Burns
- "I thought I did."
- ―Marge Simpson[src]
The Burns Portrait is a painting of C. Montgomery Burns by Marge Simpson.
The portrait depicts Burns completely naked, hunched over slightly, against a purple backdrop. Although Marge thought she had ridiculed Burns' genitals, Burns thanked her for properly depicting them.[1]
- "He's bad—but he'll die—so I like it."
- ―Elizabeth Hoover[src]
The portrait was unveiled as part of a wing dedication to Burns at the Springfield Palace of Fine Arts. (Burns "ponied up the dough" to have the museum built.)
When the painting's curtain was lowered, and the crowd saw the portrait for the first time, their original reaction was one of shock. Smithers fainted upon seeing it. However, Marge explained her intention behind the piece was to show that, underneath his imposing evil, Burns was as fragile as any human being. Seen in this light, the crowd found a new appreciation for the painting.[1]