Homer's Odyssey/References
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Cultural references
- The title comes from the Greek myth of "Homer's Odyssey," or in its more common known form of just The Odyssey.
- The power plant doors that open up in different forms is a homage to the opening sequence in the 1960s show "Get Smart".
- Bart is forced to sing "John Henry Was a Steel Drivin' Man" because he was being too loud on the bus.
- In the Season 1 DVD commentary, it is found out that the "J" in Homer's full name was inserted by the writers as a tribute to Bullwinkle J. Moose from "The Rocky & Bullwinkle Show".
- The first time we see Mr. Burns office, it was rather differently arranged and smaller compared to later episodes.
- One of the signs Homer puts up says: "Sign Ahead."
- On their way to the power plant they pass the toxic waste dump, the tire yard (which is not on fire as of yet), the state prison and the elementary school.
- The atom mascots' name is "Smilin' Joe Fission" who sweeps left over nuclear waste under the rug where "no one will find it for a billion years.
- Bart's report card includes an F in Social Studies, an F in Math, a D in Physical Education, a U in Science, a U in Reading, and a U in writing.
- Homer pens his suicide note on "Dumb Things I Gotta Do Today" stationery.
- The three-eyed fish, Blinky, swims near the nuclear plant in a pond.
- A sign at the plant reads, "Our Safety Record: [7] Days Since Last Accident."
- El Barto is signed on the steps of city hall and Chief Wiggum talks about the graffiti problem in Springfield. He then passes around an artist sketch of the culprit who looks like an older and tougher Bart Simpson.
- In the Rally against the power plant, Homer's opening line is "Thank You. Unlike most of you, I am not a nut".
- Homer gets promoted to his current position as a Safety Inspector for the entire plant.
- The crank call name that Bart gives to Moe's Tavern, I.P. Freely, is reused during Kent Brockman's report on Homer's fight with Tom in "Brother from the Same Planet" (though the ones responsible in that episode were implied to be drunken fraternity boys wanting to pull a prank, as it was stated that this same fight involved a giant lizard a'la "Godzilla".
- At the very end of the episode, when Homer is being carried off by the crowd, you can see that the crowd carrying Homer, the people are small, so you'll have to look closely, but right before the credits, Marge's necklace changes from red to white, back to red and then finishes with white all in one shot.
- Just after Mr Smithers says "...so that we have the energy to from your favourite video game to yummy cotton candy machines", all the children start clapping but the sound of clapping starts BEFORE they start clapping.
- After Bart's prank call with Moe, you can see Bart and Lisa laughing. However the telephone's wire does not connect to the receiver.
- As Sherri and Terri are walking along talking to Bart, one of the twins' bodies disappears and her head seems to be floating in mid-air.
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