Bart Gets an Elephant
"Bart Gets an Elephant"
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Episode Information
Bart is listening to the radio and hears the announcers say that if the next person they call answers "KBBL is going to give me something stupid" that caller will win a prize. Bart, hoping that he will be the next callee, answers the phone every time it rings saying "KBBL is going to give me something stupid", with one of the callers being Grandpa Simpson having a heart attack. The KBBL guys eventually do call and Bart says the right thing and the announcers give him the choice of either winning an elephant or winning a large amount of money. Bart chooses the elephant over the money, not knowing that the elephant was not realy a prize. Over the next few days Bart continues to emand te elaphant and eventually gets it, mostly because the station announcers were going to be replaced by a mechanical dj. Bart names the elephant Stampy, who freaks out Santa's Little Helper and Snowball II and has the habit of putting Bart in his mouth. The family has mixed feelings about Stampy, with Marge and Homer not thrilled with the situation, but Lisa is more along the same side with Bart, at least when Homer is mistreating him, and Bart loves him. The family does realize eventually that it costs too much to have Stampy around and start looking at the options availabe to them. One is donating Stampy to a nature preserve, which Homer hates because he will not receive any money out of it. Another option is to sell Stampy to a man who is obviously an ivory dealer. In the lull on figuring out what to do, Stampy goes on a rampage through Springfield in the middle of the night. Wiggum doesn't believe the phone calls about the rampage, and the family is forced to look for Stampy alone. They eventually find him at the Springfield Tar Pits, brooding over a statue of a Wooly Mammoth trapped in the tar. Feeling relieved that they found Stampy, they do not realize that Homer has started to sink into the tar himself. He eventually does notice but his efforts to get out only make things worse. He is saved by Stampy, after Barney, who lights a cigarette and sets himself on fire with very little notice. Homer, then realizes that the best thing to do with Stampy, with a little prodding from the family, is to donate him to the preserve. Stampy quickly tries to take over the rest of elephants by head-butting them into submission, with the Park Manager saying that it is the equivalent of humans being jerks since Homr is doing the same thing to him.