Chili Blasters
Chili Blasters
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Location Information
Chili Blasters is a restaurant in Springfield's Fast-Food Boulevard. It serves chili.
True to its name, Chili Blasters' speciality is chili. Its trademark service is seating customers outdoors, fitting them out in protective gear (rain slicker and goggles), and blasting a high-pressure jet of chili directly into their mouths.
Homer Simpson visited Chili Blasters when he went on a junk food binge just before starting a new diet. He ordered the outdoor "blaster" service, which he seemed to enjoy as he was saying goodbye to all the foods he wouldn't be able to eat on his diet.
Soon after that, however, Chili Blasters was destroyed in an explosion caused by Homer. When Homer visited Krusty Burger, he used the restaurant's drive-up wastebasket to dispose of all of the accumulated trash in his car, including a leaky car battery. Acid from the battery seeped into the ground and then dripped onto an underground gas main, eating through the pipe and causing a gas leak. When Homer tossed a lit match into the wastebasket, it ignited the leaking gas and triggered a chain-reaction explosion which destroyed every restaurant on Fast-Food Boulevard, including Chili Blasters.