Milhouse's Best Day/Quotes
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- Milhouse Van Houten: Bart, what are YOU doing here?
- Bart: Nothing.
- [Bart runs out of the room.]
- Bart: See you at school! Don't be late!
- Milhouse: Aww... Bart didn't wish me a happy birthday.
- [Outside the Van Houten House, Milhouse is walking down the sidewalk with his backpack on his back while Luann is at the door.]
- Luann Van Houten: Happy "Let Your Kid Walk Himself To School Day," honey!
- Milhouse: [sigh]
- [Outside Springfield Elementary, Dolph and Nelson are clenching their fists. They are both looking at Milhouse.]
- Milhouse: Here we go again. I'm ready for my lunch money mugging. Just let me take off my glasses.
- [Milhouse takes his glasses off and puts them in him glasses case.]
- Dolph Starbeam: We don't want your crummy money.
- Milhouse: Really?
- Nelson Muntz: Yeah. Scram!
- [Milhouse runs into school.]
- Milhouse: It's a birthday miracle! I can eat lunch for the first time in years!
- [Bart holds up dollar bills to Dolph and Milhouse]
- Nelson: Haw Haw! Bribes!
- [In the hallway, Milhouse is walking past Lisa.]
- Lisa: My, you're looking HANDSOME today, Mihouse!
- Milhouse: Wow! Thanks! I think it's because I skipped my daily beating!
- [Milhouse leaps down the hallway.]
- Milhouse: Gosh! It's shaping up to be a Milhouse kind of morning.
- [Bart is giving Lisa a Malibu Stacy doll.]
- Bart: Here you go, Lis...a limited edition Malibu Stacy World Leader doll.
- Lisa: I shouldn't accept. But she's so beautiful...and POWERFUL.
- [After school, Milhouse is on the skateboard ramp wearing his helmet and with his skateboard.]
- Milhouse: Today I can do ANYTHING! Even a 900 tail grab.
- [Milhouse skates down the ramp put falls off it mid-air.]
- Milhouse: Aaaaaah!
- [Milhouse falls to the ground. The students clap]
- Milhouse: [drowsily] Ohhhh... Wha...? Did I do it?
- [Bart is giving money to other kids.]
- Milhouse: Bart, what are you doing?
- Bart: Nothing.
- "Can We Go Now?" kid: Can we go now?
- Bart: I just wanted you to have your perfect day.
- Milhouse: So you BRIBED everyone?!?
- Bart: I guess.
- Milhouse: [tearing up] That's the NICEST thing anyone's ever done for me!
- Bart: Happy Birthday?
- Milhouse: The best one ever!