Wikisimpsons:Editor meetings/October 21st 2012
Wikisimpsons - The Simpsons Wiki
- Spam on fanon and the Swedish and German wiki.
- Seems to have stopped
- A few pages like Main page and Recent Changes at the Swedish wiki is slow.
- Seems to have stopped
- Creating an image wiki. This will involve moving all images from here to the new wiki. This should make it easier to see what images link to what wikis to stop issues such as sv.simpsonswiki having lots of dead image links.
- To be made
- Adding Twitter Facebook extension
- To be added
- Credit for DVD commentary
- To be done
- Pages from Fox Network's channel
- Fox channels should be moved to a list on Fox's page.
- Articles for places only scenes on maps and not mentioned.
- A discussion should be opened.
- Only mentioned also on other templates.
- To be added as needed
- Credit pages for songs.
- Albums should have a page, songs should not (have a section instead)
- How about lyrics pages as well? Get a little tab going.
- Lyrics, and credits, should stay on the song page.
- Stage or credit name in the title for crew and guest star.
- Credited name should be used.
- New category/template for interviewees - currently mixed with guest stars.
- New category/template should be created.
- Complete Tapped Out Halloween Edition
- Pretty much done.
20:15:01 - AleWi: Let's Start then 20:15:08 - AleWi: Spam on fanon and the Swedish and German wiki 20:15:09 - Solar_Dragon: The only ones I know change around sometimes are the Editors, Don Barozzo and Michael Bridge. 20:15:58 - Solar_Dragon: We have put lots of spam prevention features in place but they keep getting around them. 20:16:39 - AleWi: I have no idea how we can stop them 20:16:39 - Solar_Dragon: Although, has there been any more spam or just account creations recently? 20:16:40 - Phinbart: How do they get around them spam prevention features? 20:16:51 - AleWi: I don't know on Swedish, it's too slow 20:17:22 - AleWi: German had for a few days ago 20:17:27 - Solar_Dragon: No spam on sv recent changes in the past week. 20:17:52 - Solar_Dragon: de has had no edits in the past week. 20:18:09 - Solar_Dragon: Spam seems to be on hold for now. 20:18:20 - Solar_Dragon: The preventions may have worked. 20:18:25 - Solar_Dragon: That phrase can no longer be spammed. 20:18:33 - AleWi: Swedish work now 20:18:35 - AleWi: wow 20:18:54 - AleWi: http://sv.simpsonswiki.net/wiki/Special:Senaste_%C3%A4ndringar have not working in weeks 20:19:05 - Solar_Dragon: Worked for me when I just checked. 20:19:15 - Solar_Dragon: I'm guessing it was the spambot that was slowing it down. 20:19:16 - AleWi: Works for me now 20:19:24 - Solar_Dragon: Now we stopped him, it's getting better. 20:19:29 - AleWi: but http://sv.simpsonswiki.net/w/index.php?title=Special:Senaste_%C3%A4ndringar&limit=500 is slow (500 edits= 20:19:34 - Cook879: A bit off-topic, but Adventures In Baby Getting seems to has been bumped http://twitpic.com/b5wspa 20:20:23 - Solar_Dragon: :S no new date 20:20:53 - Phinbart: It does say on http://thefutoncritic.com/listings/20120928fox13/ "If No Game 6" 20:21:12 - AleWi: Fox Flash is not update 20:21:16 - Cook879: "THIS LISTING HAS BEEN DELETED 20:21:16 - Cook879: BY THE NETWORK AND IS NO LONGER VALID." 20:21:36 - Phinbart: Yes, but it hadn't been deleted earlier. 20:21:47 - Phinbart: It'll probably be the 28th. 20:21:54 - Phinbart: It could be the 4th. 20:22:03 - Cook879: 28th is baseball 20:22:03 - Solar_Dragon: We don't know that so I just left it as [[2012]]. 20:22:10 - Phinbart: It can't be the 11th - "Gone Abie Gone" is airing then. 20:22:17 - Solar_Dragon: Double airing? 20:22:19 - Solar_Dragon: Happened before. 20:22:24 - AleWi: They can move it to 11th 20:22:27 - Cook879: 8th is X Factor 20:22:32 - AleWi: move the episode the 11th 20:22:38 - Phinbart: 4th? 20:23:10 - AleWi: football - http://www.imdb.com/tvgrid/2012-10-20/2000/ 20:23:24 - AleWi: aha 4th dont work 20:23:26 - Cook879: I meant 4th is X Factor 20:24:35 - Phinbart: Then it could either be a double airing on the 11th or 18th, or sometime after that. 20:25:30 - AleWi: He was smart - http://twitpic.com/b5wspa removed the email adresses 20:26:40 - Phinbart: At least there's YouTube clips of the episode. You can see them on NoHomers.net. It's on page 43 or something like that. However, the clips could've been removed. 20:26:53 - Cook879: Anyhow, back on track 20:27:27 - Phinbart: http://www.nohomers.net/showthread.php?97766-Season-24-Information-Thread/page49 20:27:48 - AleWi: The same as Youtube 20:28:45 - Phinbart: Is the topic "Image Wiki" now? 20:29:35 - Cook879: Yep - Solar_Dragon 20:30:07 - Phinbart: Who's doing the log? 20:30:27 - Cook879: I dunno - we'll find out at the end 20:30:40 - AleWi: Creating an image wiki. This will involve moving all images from here to the new wiki. This should make it easier to see what images link to what wikis to stop issues such as sv.simpsonswiki having lots of dead image links 20:30:43 - AleWi: It's you Solar 20:30:51 - Phinbart: I agree with that. 20:30:59 - AleWi: Like Commons? 20:31:04 - Phinbart: A bit like pool.theinfosphere.org 20:33:36 - AleWi: .............. 20:34:00 - Solar_Dragon: Yeah, like Commons. 20:34:01 - Phinbart: Solar? 20:34:14 - Solar_Dragon: Sorry, was AFK 20:34:30 - AleWi: It's that a way to simple move images? 20:34:34 - Cook879: I have no problems with it 20:35:15 - Phinbart: But would you have to go to the image wiki to rename an image? 20:36:38 - Cook879: Well, every image would be there to begin with, right? 20:36:52 - AleWi: Here is wanted images on Swedish - http://sv.simpsonswiki.net/wiki/Special:%C3%96nskade_filer 20:37:00 - AleWi: red has missing image 20:37:11 - AleWi: others has no article 20:39:08 - Phinbart: .....so how about it? 20:40:42 - AleWi: Here is wanted images on the main right now - http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/Special:WantedFiles 20:40:55 - Phinbart: 1 20:40:57 - AleWi: I don't know how it looks if we move pictures 20:42:05 - AleWi: vote? 20:42:41 - Phinbart: Who thinks that there should be an image wiki? 20:42:48 - Phinbart: Say Aye If you think there should be one. 20:42:50 - Phinbart: Aye 20:43:05 - AleWi: If it's easy to move the images, then 20:43:13 - Cook879: Eye 20:44:36 - Solar_Dragon: It should be easy enough to bot move the images to another wiki. 20:44:49 - Phinbart: So, next topic? 20:45:24 - Cook879: Adding Twitter Facebook extension --AleWi 20:45:51 - AleWi: I have a own wiki, I have http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:TwitterFBLike on that at has not seeing any bugs with it 20:46:11 - AleWi: I think it can give us some visitors 20:46:25 - AleWi: Most websites has that or smiler 20:46:37 - Phinbart: Yes. Looks good. 20:46:44 - Cook879: Crap I ain't started the On this day Facebook posts yet 20:47:14 - Phinbart: I thought it was Solar behind the Facebook page. 20:47:29 - Cook879: I have access to 20:48:08 - Solar_Dragon: Both Cook879 and I work on it. 20:48:18 - Phinbart: OH! 20:48:49 - Phinbart: So, does everyone like it? 20:49:24 - Solar_Dragon: That might get us a bit more known. 20:49:34 - Solar_Dragon: If we can add them to every page automagically 20:49:35 - AleWi: Here is own too - http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:AddThis 20:49:40 - AleWi: Where you share pages 20:49:44 - AleWi: *one 20:50:38 - AleWi: You can with that This allows you to have things like Facebook's "Like" or "Recommend" button, a button for Tweeting, Google +'ing, etc. 20:50:43 - Phinbart: Do we have a Google+ page? 20:50:48 - Solar_Dragon: I think so... 20:51:22 - Phinbart: I think that Swedish Wikisimpsons has a Google+ page. 20:51:41 - AleWi: I don't know about the Swedish 20:53:21 - AleWi: https://plus.google.com/#106428336546841965340/posts 20:53:47 - AleWi: Wikisimspons - wrong spelling 20:55:18 - AleWi: back to topic 20:56:01 - AleWi: I think http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:AddThis can be sometime to look at 20:58:39 - Phinbart: So, who likes the Add This/TwitterFBLike extension? 21:00:33 - AleWi: If it works, then, most websites has that and it give us visitors 21:01:19 - Cook879: Go for it 21:01:20 - AleWi: One hour has gone now 21:01:43 - Phinbart: OK, next topic? Credits for DVD commentary. 21:02:15 - AleWi: I think we should add credits for people in the DVD commentary, some guest stars has talking there and it's easier to find that then 21:02:29 - AleWi: how is talking where 21:02:32 - Phinbart: I agree with AleWi. Anyone else? 21:03:04 - Cook879: Sure 21:03:24 - AleWi: Solar is inactive since 20.50 21:03:35 - Solar_Dragon: Wow... 13 minutes... 21:04:32 - AleWi: solar do you want to vote? 21:04:38 - Solar_Dragon: Meh. 21:04:45 - Solar_Dragon: I'll go with the community 21:05:00 - AleWi: We ban Solar for this wiki 21:05:03 - AleWi: All agreee? 21:05:04 - AleWi: Yes!!! 21:05:07 - AleWi: Solar is now banned 21:05:15 - Solar_Dragon: Fine, I'll go ban myself now. 21:05:19 - AleWi: Next topic 21:05:56 - Phinbart: Pages from Fox Network's Channel 21:06:14 - AleWi: Right now have KAYU-TV • KTTV • KTUD-LD • WDRB • WFLD • WNYW • WTXF-TV articles 21:06:23 - AleWi: I think we don't need articles for the channels 21:06:25 - Solar_Dragon: All Fox Channels should go under a Fox article I think. 21:06:44 - Solar_Dragon: Most of them are shitty stubs anyway 21:06:45 - Phinbart: I agree Solar. 21:07:21 - Solar_Dragon: *I agree, Solar. or I agree with Solar. 21:07:39 - Phinbart: I agree with Solar. 21:07:39 - Solar_Dragon: :P 21:07:48 - AleWi: I agree with myself 21:08:14 - Cook879: Not everyone is Fox, but they could easily go under a list 21:08:53 - AleWi: Here is own of them - http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/WTXF-TV 21:09:07 - AleWi: one 21:09:45 - Cook879: KTUD-LD would stay separate 21:10:30 - Phinbart: [21:06] <@Solar_Dragon> All Fox Channels should go under a Fox article I think. ???? 21:10:31 - Cook879: But the rest we have can be put in a table on FOX's page 21:10:37 - AleWi: I think we can skip FOX HD and Sky HD and channels like that, we can mentioned in the main if they brodcasting in HD. 21:10:46 - AleWi: Never creating them as article 21:11:04 - Solar_Dragon: HD channels are the same as ordinary channels, but are in HD. 21:11:08 - Solar_Dragon: Same with +1 channels 21:11:30 - Solar_Dragon: And channels like Sky1, Sky2 etc. 21:11:39 - AleWi: Not always 21:11:44 - Solar_Dragon: All under one article. 21:11:50 - Solar_Dragon: That's what I think. 21:11:51 - AleWi: Sweden Channel 1 and 2 had the same HD channel in a yer 21:11:57 - AleWi: *year 21:12:24 - Cook879: True that BBC only has one HD channel for all of its channels 21:12:58 - AleWi: Yes, BBC Nordic HD 21:13:13 - AleWi: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBC_HD_Scandinavia 21:13:24 - Cook879: Anyway, who agrees with a list of FOX channels instead of separate articles? 21:13:29 - Solar_Dragon: Me 21:13:31 - Cook879: Me 21:13:47 - AleWi: Fox channels should not have articles 21:14:07 - Phinbart: [21:13] <@Cook879> Anyway, who agrees with a list of FOX channels instead of separate articles? -- I agree 21:14:30 - AleWi: next topic - Articles for places only scenes on maps and not mentioned 21:14:53 - AleWi: Some articles is about places only seeing on maps, I think we can remove it 21:15:10 - AleWi: They most mentioned with speak or a scene is there 21:15:47 - Phinbart: There should be a list of locations in Springfield, even though there is a huge category for them. And there should be a section on that page where it lists mentioned locations and locations only on maps. 21:15:48 - AleWi: *It's should be mentioned with a line or a scene is there 21:16:21 - Solar_Dragon: Yes! Delete articles about locations only seen on maps or on signs! 21:16:37 - Solar_Dragon: As well as delete character articles only seen in text. 21:16:40 - Solar_Dragon: :| 21:16:55 - AleWi: not the second Solar 21:17:06 - Solar_Dragon: You all know how I feel about those kinds of articles 21:18:34 - Cook879: I think we should move them topics to a more open discussion forum - as I think Nick and Fred will want to get involved in this discussion 21:20:44 - AleWi: open discussion? yes then 21:21:19 - Tux has left the room (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer). 21:21:49 - Phinbart: Next topic? 21:22:13 - AleWi: Only mentioned also on other templates 21:22:32 - AleWi: We have now on templates mentioned but only on character, should we have it on other too? 21:22:48 - Solar_Dragon: We have it on Location and Town too 21:22:59 - Solar_Dragon: We should add them to other templates when we need to 21:23:14 - Cook879: I added to superhero 21:26:43 - AleWi: nextttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt 21:27:59 - Phinbart: Credit pages for songs. --AleWi How about lyrics pages as well? Get a little tab going. --Cook879 21:28:32 - Cook879: Well, if we split off credits, we might as well split of lyrics as well and form a tab 21:28:43 - Solar_Dragon: Then actual pages would be a couple of lines long... 21:28:51 - AleWi: It not look's so good with credits in the article 21:29:05 - Solar_Dragon: It is literally a sentence to explain, infobox, appearances, category 21:29:10 - Phinbart: We could put a Credits tabe, but not a Lyrics tab. 21:29:26 - Solar_Dragon: And only some can have credits. 21:29:31 - AleWi: The albums have also credits but i think we should not have appearances for them 21:29:39 - Solar_Dragon: How long are the credits? Are they even worth their own page? 21:30:00 - AleWi: Simpsons Movie Soundtrack album: 21:30:01 - Cook879: Solar_Dragon obviously hasn't been paying attention to my edits 21:30:06 - AleWi: Tunes Composed by Hans Zimmer. Main Theme By Danny Elfman. 21:30:08 - AleWi: Executive Soundtrack Album Producers: Hans Zimmer & James L. Brooks. 21:30:09 - AleWi: Executive in Charge of Music for Twentieth Century Fox: Robert Kraft. 21:30:11 - AleWi: Music Supervised for Twentieth Century Fox by Mike Knobloch. 21:30:13 - AleWi: Music Production Coordinator: Rebecca Morellato. 21:30:15 - AleWi: Fox Music Business Affairs: Tom Cavanaugh. 21:30:17 - AleWi: The Simpsons Music Posse: Ryeland Allison, Lorne Balfe, James Dooley, 21:30:18 - AleWi: Henry Jackman, Michael Levine, Atli Örvarsson, Hans Zimmer 21:30:20 - AleWi: Featured Musician: Heitor Pereira - Guitar. 21:30:21 - AleWi: Supervising Music Editor: Daniel Pinder. 21:30:23 - AleWi: Music Editor: Ryan Rubin. 21:30:24 - AleWi: Supervising Orchestrator: Bruce Fowler. 21:30:26 - AleWi: Orchestrators: Walt Fowler, Elizabeth Finch, Ken Kugler, Suzette Moriarty, 21:30:27 - AleWi: Steve Bartek, Geoff Stradling. 21:30:29 - AleWi: Score Recorded and Mixed by: Slamm Andrews. 21:30:31 - AleWi: Album Compiled by: Al Clay. 21:30:32 - AleWi: Orchestra Conducted by: Blake Neely & Nick Glennie-Smith 21:30:34 - AleWi: Concertmaster - Endre Granat, Principal 2nd - Julie Gigante, 21:30:36 - AleWi: 1st Viola - Brian Dembow, 1st Celli - Steve Erdody, 21:30:37 - AleWi: 1st Bass - Nico Abondolo, 1st Flute - Jim Walker, 21:30:37 - Cook879: Scroll down http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/God_Bless_the_Child 21:30:39 - AleWi: 1st Oboe - Leslie Reed, 1st Clarinet - Jim Kanter, 21:30:40 - AleWi: 1st Bassoon - Michael O'Donovan, 1st Horn - Jim Thatcher, 21:30:42 - AleWi: 1st Trumpet - Malcolm Mc Nab, 1st Trombone - Charlie Loper, 21:30:43 - AleWi has been kicked by Cook879: AleWi. 21:31:05 - Solar_Dragon: Fairly long, but we could just stick them in two columns. 21:31:26 - Phinbart: I have to go soon. For the last topic, all I have to say is that could somebody help me with the Halloween section on the Tapped Out content updates page? Thanks, and I'll smell ya later! 21:31:32 - AleW [53fa2392@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] entered the room. 21:31:42 - AleW: I just did what Solar asked me about 21:31:52 - Solar_Dragon: [21:29:36] Solar_Dragon How long are the credits? Are they even worth their own page? 21:31:54 - Cook879: That wasn't a song - that was an album 21:32:01 - Solar_Dragon: Not "Post all the credits to IRC" 21:32:31 - Cook879: Phinbart: I don't have it, so can't help 21:32:32 - AleWi [~chatzilla@c83-250-35-146.bredband.comhem.se] entered the room. 21:32:36 - AleW has left the room (Quit: Client Quit). 21:33:27 - AleWi: I think Credits should have an own article 21:33:30 - AleWi: one for songs 21:33:41 - AleWi: one for the album (not songs in album) 21:34:19 - AleWi: It looks better 21:34:39 - AleWi: People that is in the song is in the infobox so apparence is not needing 21:34:50 - AleWi: beside the music videos 21:35:31 - Tux [~tux@tropicalwikis/Frozen-Wind] entered the room. 21:35:36 - AleWi: vote? 21:35:52 - Phinbart has left the room (Quit: Ping timeout: 245 seconds). 21:36:17 - AleWi: Wait for Phinbart? 21:36:27 - Cook879: He's not coming back 21:36:58 - AleWi: vote? 21:37:00 - AleWi: or??? 21:38:23 - AleWi: Okey we vote then 21:38:25 - AleWi: Yes 21:38:28 - AleWi: Any more? 21:38:30 - AleWi: No 21:38:34 - AleWi: Okey, we do it 21:38:36 - AleWi: Next topic 21:38:40 - Solar_Dragon: I don't think own article 21:38:41 - AleWi: Stage or credit name in the title for crew and guest star 21:38:47 - Solar_Dragon: I think part of the same article 21:39:00 - Cook879: I was going to give the album a credit page anyway, songs can stay as they are for now (unless with a video) 21:39:25 - Solar_Dragon: ^ 21:42:18 - AleWi: For albums but not song in albums? VOTE NOW 21:42:40 - Cook879: Can't you guess my vote? 21:42:51 - AleWi: 2-1 you and Solar win 21:42:55 - AleWi: next topic 21:43:00 - AleWi: Stage or credit name in the title for crew and guest star 21:43:17 - AleWi: Sometimes is not the name in the credit use for the articles 21:43:34 - AleWi: it's then the other name 21:43:38 - Cook879: Credit name 21:45:14 - AleWi: Here is one - http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/King_Curtis 21:45:31 - AleWi: He was credit as Curt Ousley but the articles is King Curtis, 21:45:48 - Solar_Dragon: He should go for his credited name. 21:46:18 - Solar_Dragon: *We 21:47:30 - Solar_Dragon: We should go for credited names, with the exception of THOHs 21:47:43 - Cook879: Agreed 21:48:13 - AleWi: Next topic then 21:49:18 - AleWi: New category/template for interviewees - currently mixed with guest stars. --Cook879 21:49:45 - Cook879: Yeah -they should be split - it's misleading to find people under guest stars who aren't guest stars on the show 21:49:47 - Solar_Dragon: Yeah, we could go for that. 21:50:37 - AleWi: I've never like they counts as guest star 21:51:03 - Solar_Dragon: It was alright at first, when there weren't many interviewee articles 21:51:24 - Solar_Dragon: Now, we should have a new infobox and category 21:51:45 - AleWi: Should people like http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/Oprah_Winfrey_(character) counts as guest star? 21:51:58 - AleWi: They are cartooned but not in an episode 21:52:30 - Solar_Dragon: Urm... not sure... 21:52:57 - Cook879: Good question... 21:53:02 - AleWi: Here is one better - http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/Jim_Brown 21:56:48 - AleWi: sooo 21:58:48 - AleWi: we take it as an open discussion then 21:58:56 - AleWi: last topics 21:59:06 - AleWi: Complete Tapped Out Halloween Edition 21:59:19 - AleWi: The last October will the Halloween part beeing removed 21:59:32 - AleWi: We must try to finish it before that 22:00:05 - Cook879: Well, people with Apple devices do it 22:00:15 - AleWi: Solar has it 22:00:18 - AleWi: FatHomer has it 22:00:53 - AleWi: not complete - http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/The_Simpsons:_Tapped_Out_buildings#Treehouse_of_Horror 22:01:07 - AleWi: http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/The_Simpsons:_Tapped_Out_quests if the Halloween has it 22:01:23 - AleWi: not complete - http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/The_Simpsons:_Tapped_Out_characters#Treehouse_of_Horror_XXIII 22:01:55 - Solar_Dragon: Buildings is complete 22:02:04 - AleWi: no 22:02:11 - AleWi: Build Time is missing in some 22:02:17 - Solar_Dragon: Characters complete 22:02:18 - AleWi: like $/h 22:02:22 - AleWi: xp/h 22:02:25 - AleWi: Items/hr 22:02:29 - AleWi: not Requires and Character Task Order 22:02:43 - Solar_Dragon: That's because those fields are impossible to fill in. 22:03:04 - AleWi: No, if you start the game from start is maybe sometime 22:03:23 - Solar_Dragon: What? 22:03:35 - Solar_Dragon: Those fields can not be filled in 22:03:49 - Solar_Dragon: As simple as that 22:03:50 - AleWi: If you not need that, you can't see what Requires for Sign up New 'Clients' 22:03:59 - AleWi: Show his Wrath 22:04:17 - AleWi: Heck House Church Facade has some building time from start 22:04:44 - Solar_Dragon: I doubt it does. 22:04:47 - Solar_Dragon: It's like a costume 22:04:50 - Solar_Dragon: For a building. 22:05:27 - AleWi: Buy Eye of Newt Requires nothing from the start? 22:05:33 - AleWi: same with Speed Up a Crop?? 22:05:40 - AleWi: and Go on a Maize Binge? 22:05:45 - Solar_Dragon: What? 22:05:54 - Solar_Dragon: What are you on about? 22:06:09 - AleWi: If you start the game today? Dosen't Go on a Maize Binge Requires something? 22:06:18 - AleWi: and other things that are missing 22:06:41 - Solar_Dragon: No, it doesn't require anything. 22:07:26 - AleWi: Mausoleum has no building time? 22:07:36 - AleWi: and gives no $/h and xp/h?? 22:07:49 - Solar_Dragon: No! 22:07:51 - Solar_Dragon: It doesn't 22:08:02 - Solar_Dragon: No build time, no cash, no XP 22:08:10 - Solar_Dragon: Instant build 22:08:19 - Solar_Dragon: Only makes zombies 22:08:29 - Solar_Dragon: Stop complaining about things you don't know about :P 22:08:48 - AleWi: I have not the game 22:08:55 - AleWi: but it's dosen't sees right 22:08:58 - Solar_Dragon: Exactly! 22:09:01 - Solar_Dragon: You don't have the game! 22:09:04 - Solar_Dragon: I do. 22:09:09 - Solar_Dragon: So i know these things 22:09:11 - Solar_Dragon: You don't 22:09:17 - AleWi: If for the stupied EA can't fix the game for Androdi 22:09:19 - AleWi: android 22:09:32 - AleWi: They said in March it's should take a couple of months