
Wikisimpsons:Editor meetings/May 26th 2012

Wikisimpsons - The Simpsons Wiki
(20:10:05)	Randomno	Okay, now.
(20:10:05)	Phinbart	I think it was sorting out the navboxes to fit them into the look of the wiki.
(20:10:16)	Randomno	Meeting's started...
(20:10:24)	Randomno	Okay, topic #1.
(20:10:42)	Randomno	Cancelling Randomno's proposal (below) to cancel the outcome of May 7th's meeting. Most of these topics have been brought up three times now.
(20:10:56)	Phinbart	Yes.
(20:11:09)	AleWi|ESC	Yes
(20:11:11)	Phinbart	Let's revert to the list that was there before the (failed) May 5 meeting.
(20:11:19)	Randomno	The last meeting was absolutely screwy.
(20:11:26)	AleWi|ESC	No
(20:11:33)	Mythigator	Abstain -- I don't know what was there.
(20:11:46)	Nick97	Abstain, same reason as Myth
(20:11:50)	Randomno This was the last discussion.
(20:11:59)	Phinbart	Did You Know? section during the summer Framegrabs Framegrab wiki Should we keep framegrabs? Capitlization of a, am, an, and, are, as, at, be, by, for, if, in, is, it, of, on, or, so, the, to and with. Dictionary wiki. Points to discuss: Easier to find; half of our viewers probably don't know we have a dictionary. A name like "Simptionary" or something, otherwise we'd have to call it "the dictionary namespace".
(20:12:00)	Randomno	Two people there.
(20:12:05)	Phinbart	And more...
(20:12:07)	AleWi|ESC	"Most of these topics have been brought up three times now."
(20:12:14)	Randomno	Twice.
(20:12:17)	Phinbart	Well, WE'RE NOT HAVING FRAMEGRABS!
(20:12:26)	Randomno	Yes, we know that.
(20:12:31)	Phinbart	Even though I thought we could do them for the shorts only.
(20:12:34)	Randomno	The first bits were discussed.
(20:12:50)	Phinbart	Did we agree on that Did You Know? thing? I can't remember.
(20:12:51)	Randomno Everything there stays.
(20:13:49)	Phinbart	Oh, we were supposed to open a wiki discussion.
(20:14:12)	Randomno	Okay, great.
(20:14:28)	Phinbart	Well, Did You Know?'s a bit of a stupid idea now.
(20:14:37)	Phinbart	"The Longest Daycare" is listed on Upcoming Episode
(20:14:42)	Randomno	Phinbart, AleWi, by "yes", do you mean cancel or keep proposal.
(20:14:58)	AleWi|ESC	Cancelling Randomno's proposal (below) to cancel the outcome of May 7th's meeting. Most of these topics have been brought up three times now.
(20:15:08)	AleWi|ESC	was the question
(20:15:08)	Randomno	^*?
(20:15:10)	AleWi|ESC	so yes
(20:15:21)	AleWi|ESC	cancel
(20:15:23)	Phinbart	Erm...
(20:15:29)	Phinbart	Cancel?
(20:15:32)	Randomno	
(20:15:46)	Randomno	You honestly think May 7's discussion was good?
(20:15:47)	WebkinzMania	cancel
(20:15:59)	Phinbart	I wasn't even there on May 7
(20:16:03)	Randomno	I know.
(20:16:11)	Randomno	There were TWO people discussing.
(20:16:21)	Randomno	And AleWi just mainly followed Solar's choice.
(20:16:23)	Mythigator	How about framing the question differently ... Should the May 7 discussion and its outcomes stand or be cancelled ?
(20:16:32)	Phinbart	Actually, now that I've read the proposal....
(20:16:34)	Randomno	Cancelled.
(20:16:37)	AleWi|ESC	We have now rules how many users we most have
(20:16:43)	Phinbart	I agree to his proposal!
(20:16:52)	AleWi|ESC	*no
(20:17:19)	Phinbart	Did we discuss a Dictionary wiki?
(20:17:25)	Randomno	Uhh...
(20:17:29)	AleWi|ESC	Yes, we should not have a Dictionary wiki
(20:17:37)	Phinbart	I think there should be a wiki discussion on the wiki about a dictionary wiki.
(20:18:00)	Randomno	[20:04:39] Solar_Dragon We don't need a dictionary wiki, it will be pointless
(20:18:00)	Randomno	[20:04:59] AleWi Easier to add project page, instead of putting "Wikisimpsons:Dictionary:Project page" or "Dictionary:Project:Project page".???
(20:18:00)	Randomno	[20:05:20] AleWi Okey, next topic
(20:18:02)	AleWi|ESC	It's hard for people to found it
(20:18:05)	Randomno	Barely any discussion.
(20:18:16)	WebkinzMania	No dictionary wiki.
(20:18:17)	Phinbart	How to improve the German wiki.
(20:18:25)	Randomno	Hang on, wha?
(20:18:40)	Phinbart	Next topic: How to improve the German wiki.
(20:18:40)	Randomno	Go back a few subjects.
(20:18:51)	Phinbart	Anyway, who's doin' the log for the meeting?
(20:18:55)	Randomno	I will.
(20:18:57)	Randomno	Might as well.
(20:19:14)	Randomno	I think I'm the only user here who has seconds on the timestamp.
(20:19:33)	Phinbart	We should try and aim to get German editors who are fluent with the language.
(20:19:33)	Randomno	Nick97, you haven't said anything for ages.
(20:19:47)	Randomno	Phinbart, please stop for a minute.
(20:19:50)	Phinbart	That "Tin" user on the German wiki only edits to improve the German language.
(20:20:04)	Nick97	Sorry, I'm kinda busy doing other stuff.
(20:20:20)	AleWi|ESC	kinda busy watching TV but write and read when I can
(20:20:31)	Nick97	>_>
(20:20:41)	Randomno	Right, are we cancel or keep on cancelling my proposal to cancel the editor meeting on May 7th?
(20:20:49)	AleWi|ESC	cancel
(20:20:58)	Phinbart	I agree with your proposal, Randomno.
(20:21:04)	-->|	Cook879 ( has joined #wikisimpsons
(20:21:12)	Randomno	Yay!
(20:21:12)	AleWi|ESC	Hi Cook879!!!!
(20:21:13)	Nick97	Cancel, I guess
(20:21:13)	Phinbart	Hi, Cook.
(20:21:15)	Randomno	Woo hoo!
(20:21:16)	AleWi|ESC	YOU ARE LATE?
(20:21:18)	=-=	Mode #wikisimpsons +o Cook879 by ChanServ
(20:21:18)	AleWi|ESC	???
(20:21:20)	AleWi|ESC	OR???
(20:21:20)	Cook879	YAY ME
(20:21:23)	AleWi|ESC	Early???
(20:21:28)	Randomno	Cook879 is in the discussion!
(20:21:33)	Randomno	Anyway, back to topic.
(20:21:35)	Phinbart	Cook, did you do something with the navbox last summer or the summer before?
(20:21:37)	AleWi|ESC	Cook879 - Right, are we cancel or keep on cancelling my proposal to cancel the editor meeting on May 7th?
(20:21:46)	AleWi|ESC	Randomno
(20:21:57)	Phinbart	It's Randomno's proposal, not AleWi's.
(20:21:59)	Cook879	Phinbart: What navbox?
(20:22:00)	AleWi|ESC	Right, are we cancel or keep on cancelling Randomno's proposal to cancel the editor meeting on May 7th?
(20:22:04)	Randomno	You dweeb, AleWi.
(20:22:08)	Mythigator	Cancel, I suppose, Since there were only 2 people there, I don't think you could call it decisive.
(20:22:12)	Phinbart	The Navbox in the Specials templae.
(20:22:16)	Phinbart	*template.
(20:22:27)	Cook879	errr... i'll look into it
(20:22:32)	WebkinzMania	Hi Cook.
(20:22:34)	Randomno	Okay, I think that's cancel.
(20:22:40)	Randomno	Right, discuss last meeting!
(20:22:52)	Randomno	It's a shame supergeeky1 doesn't have a say in this, though.
(20:23:00)	Randomno	He put up the proposal.
(20:23:01)	AleWi|ESC	can someone edit the sitenotice?
(20:23:10)	AleWi|ESC	= Cook879 or Mythigator
(20:23:14)	Cook879	one sec - i'm loading the football
(20:23:29)	Randomno	Football?
(20:23:29)	Mythigator	Last meeting was May 7th and if it's cancelled then there's nothing to discuss.
(20:23:41)	Cook879	England vs Norway Randomno
(20:23:42)	Randomno	...
(20:23:42)	Mythigator	Ale:What about the sitenotice? What change?
(20:23:45)	Cook879	we are winning 1-0
(20:23:48)	Phinbart	Back soon.
(20:23:49)	AleWi|ESC	Editor meeting now
(20:23:51)	Randomno	Loading it, though?
(20:23:53)	AleWi|ESC	should it stand
(20:24:00)	Mythigator	On it, Ale.
(20:24:06)	Randomno	Drunk.
(20:24:13)	AleWi|ESC	Are you not watching ESC, Cook87
(20:24:19)	AleWi|ESC	Cook879
(20:24:24)	AleWi|ESC	The biggest music show in Europe
(20:24:36)	Cook879	no, i thought i'd watch England while we're winning
(20:24:39)	Randomno	(That's opinion, not news!)
(20:24:45)	Cook879	anyway, we've gone on a tangent
(20:24:45)	Randomno	To AleWi's comment,
(20:24:46)	Randomno	8.
(20:24:49)	Randomno	*.
(20:25:00)	AleWi|ESC	It not look like UK win -
(20:25:04)	Randomno	Anyway, back to meeting!!!!!!!
(20:25:19)	Mythigator	Done, Ale.
(20:25:29)	Randomno	Even more drunk.
(20:25:37)	Phinbart	Back.
(20:25:43)	Cook879	oh Mythigator, i'll short out the Troy McClure template in a bit
(20:26:08)	Randomno Stuff to discuss.
(20:26:16)	Randomno	Short is out?
(20:26:26)	Cook879	you know what I meant
(20:26:27)	Randomno	*it
(20:26:33)	Mythigator	Coolness, Cook. BTW there is another template that needs sorted, I'll bring it up on your talkpage later.
(20:26:35)	Randomno	Anyway, meeting...
(20:26:49)	Cook879	ok-ily dokely
(20:26:52)	AleWi|ESC	"Cancelling Randomno's proposal (below) to cancel the outcome of May 7th's meeting. Most of these topics have been brought up three times now."
(20:26:56)	AleWi|ESC	YES!
(20:27:02)	Randomno	We decided keep.
(20:27:13)	Phinbart	Right, who's OK with Tapped Out location articles?
(20:27:15)	Randomno	And cancel what was said on May 7th.
(20:27:27)	Phinbart	Only a few users agreed to this.
(20:27:32)	Phinbart	I've create 4 already.
(20:27:33)	AleWi|ESC	Then we have 10 more topics
(20:27:35)	=-=	rofl is now known as Tux
(20:27:40)	Randomno	Uh, Phinbart, we're on the capitalisation subject.
(20:27:43)	Phinbart	10!? D'oh!
(20:27:56)	Phinbart	Capitalization?
(20:27:57)	=-=	Mode #wikisimpsons +o Mythigator by Cook879
(20:27:59)	Phinbart	Right...OK...
(20:28:09)	Randomno	We're discussing last meeting.
(20:28:12)	Randomno
(20:28:25)	Randomno	So, capitalisation.
(20:28:34)	Phinbart	We should follow the titles as they are listed on Fox schedules on and in promotional image captions.
(20:28:40)	=-=	Mode #wikisimpsons +v AleWi|ESC by Cook879
(20:28:41)	Mythigator	Myth's tak re: caps: On that list of words, only "is" and "are" should be capitalized in titles if they aren not the first or last word.
(20:28:46)	=-=	Mode #wikisimpsons +v Phinbart by Cook879
(20:28:54)	Randomno	Cook879...
(20:28:57)	Randomno	Are you muting me?
(20:29:02)	Cook879	No
(20:29:13)	AleWi|ESC	update -
(20:29:14)	Cook879	I am giving rollbacks voice
(20:29:20)	Randomno	Oh.
(20:29:21)	Randomno	Fine.
(20:29:22)	Cook879	and admins ops, as per custom
(20:29:31)	Randomno	Okay.
(20:29:34)	Randomno	Back to meeting.
(20:29:57)	AleWi|ESC	Capitlization of a, am, an, and, are, as, at, be, by, for, if, in, is, it, of, on, or, so, the, to and with.
(20:30:01)	Phinbart	[20:28] <Phinbart> We should follow the titles as they are listed on Fox schedules on and in promotional image captions.
(20:30:03)	AleWi|ESC	is next topics
(20:30:10)	Randomno	Mythigator: Ignoring the fact they are verbs, I just don't see why.
(20:30:17)	Randomno	Hang on, not verbs.
(20:30:21)	Randomno	But something.
(20:30:35)	Mythigator	The fact that they are verbs is why they should be capitalized.
(20:30:42)	Nick97	You can't ignore that fact
(20:30:49)	Cook879	Simpsons World capitalizes "Is"
(20:30:53)	Cook879	just finding an "are"
(20:30:59)	Nick97	I basically agree with Myth
(20:31:15)	Phinbart	And we should list them as in the Simpsons World list of contents.
(20:31:17)	Randomno	How are they verbs?
(20:31:21)	Mythigator	All of the other words on the list are articles, prepositions, or conjunctions which are NOT capitalized in titles unless they're the first or last word.
(20:31:27)	Nick97	They are action words
(20:31:32)	Randomno	But shouldn't we go with the official site?
(20:31:41)	Randomno	He iss?
(20:31:43)	Randomno	And ares?
(20:31:47)	Mythigator	"Are" is a verb. So is "is". Consult a grammar text.
(20:31:59)	Randomno	To is?
(20:32:02)	Randomno	To are?
(20:32:06)	Cook879	OKay, I can't think of an "are" episode, but I agree with Myth
(20:32:09)	Randomno	To jump, he jumps.
(20:32:16)	Mythigator	They are both forms of "to be".
(20:32:28)	Phinbart	"the" is always listed as lowercase
(20:32:37)	Randomno	Great. Anyway, shouldn't we go with the official site?
(20:33:04)	Phinbart	Yes, "A Star Is Burns" is listed as "A Star Is Burns" with capitalization of "Is".
(20:33:20)	Cook879	What does the official site say for, say "Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife"?
(20:33:38)	Phinbart	What season?
(20:33:56)	Randomno	Cook879: Other direction.
(20:34:02)	Phinbart	"Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife" - as listed in Simpsons World.
(20:34:03)	Cook879	errr.... 18 i think
(20:34:12)	Mythigator	17
(20:34:19)	Cook879	Close enought
(20:34:28)	Randomno	I bet it does say that, but says "Mom's I'd Like To Forget".
(20:34:33)	Phinbart	"with" is not capitalized.
(20:34:43)	Randomno	Anyway, on now.
(20:34:56)	Randomno
(20:35:07)	Phinbart	But that would mean that there's a character called "Mom" who has a "I'd Like to Forget".
(20:35:10)	Mythigator	They screwed up "Moms", are you going to trust their word on anything else?
(20:35:38)	Cook879	oh - the video loads and it's half time >_>
(20:35:38)	Randomno	Sorry, I think it is Moms.
(20:35:43)	Phinbart	Whenever I type the ep title I always type "Mom's"
(20:36:17)	Randomno	It is "Moms".
(20:36:33)	Randomno	Anyway, they capitalise "to">
(20:36:34)	Randomno	*.
(20:36:41)	Randomno	And they are an official site.
(20:36:47)	Mythigator	We all have our typing demons. The agency I work for does paratransit services. When I write something about taking a guest home, I keep typing "Homer".
(20:37:04)	Cook879	lol
(20:37:24)	Randomno	I often type "Homer" instead of "home">
(20:37:25)	Cook879	anyone know when "Moms" last aired on FOX?
(20:37:26)	Randomno	*.
(20:37:32)	Randomno	My fingers urge me to press the r.
(20:37:35)	Mythigator	"To Forget" in that context is part of a verb, therefore gets capped.
(20:37:36)	Phinbart	I dunno.
(20:37:41)	Mythigator	goota go in a minute
(20:37:42)	Randomno	2011.
(20:37:44)	Randomno	January.
(20:37:57)	Cook879	In my computing exam, I had to go back and change "center" to the English spelling
(20:37:58)	Phinbart	Check the ep list at where there's a list of the first four airdates.
(20:37:59)	AleWi|ESC	he ask last
(20:38:05)	Randomno	9th.
(20:38:14)	Mythigator	"to Spinrginfield" uses "to" as a preposition, therefore is lowercase.
(20:38:30)	Randomno	Oh, god.
(20:38:40)	Mythigator	And that's all I can say, gotta go. Sorry for the abrupt exit.
(20:38:41)	Randomno	This is why I call you a "wordy Scott".
(20:38:48)	Cook879	bye
(20:38:53)	Randomno	Bye bye.
(20:38:54)	Mythigator	Damn straight, Rand. Bye now!
(20:39:01)	|<--	Mythigator has left freenode (Quit: Page closed)
(20:39:03)	AleWi|ESC	bye Myth
(20:39:08)	Randomno	Straight in what sense?
(20:39:21)	Cook879	As in the phrase "damn straight"
(20:39:37)	Randomno	That still could mean other things.
(20:39:44)	Randomno	"Damn dent".
(20:39:47)	Randomno	*bent
(20:39:52)	Randomno	Anyway, back to topic.
(20:40:10)	Phinbart	So, Capitalization?
(20:40:16)	Phinbart	Shall we continue this next meeting?
(20:40:22)	Randomno	Yeah.
(20:40:36)	Randomno	If WebkinzMania is active, that is.
(20:40:39)	AleWi|ESC	Capitlization of a, am, an, and, are, as, at, be, by, for, if, in, is, it, of, on, or, so, the, to and with.
(20:40:42)	AleWi|ESC	next time
(20:40:49)	WebkinzMania	I'm just watching.
(20:40:51)	AleWi|ESC	Dictionary wiki. Points to discuss: Easier to find; half of our viewers probably don't know we have a dictionary.
(20:40:53)	AleWi|ESC	A name like "Simptionary" or something, otherwise we'd have to call it "the dictionary namespace".
(20:40:54)	AleWi|ESC	Easier to add project page, instead of putting "Wikisimpsons:Dictionary:Project page" or "Dictionary:Project:Project page".
(20:40:56)	AleWi|ESC	now
(20:40:58)	Randomno	Stop, AleWi|ESC.
(20:41:14)	Randomno	We're still on the previous topic.
(20:41:36)	Cook879	I thought we we're pushing it back?
(20:41:54)	Randomno	I want to say "Either don't capitalise "is" and "are", or go with
(20:42:00)	Randomno	*".
(20:42:20)	Cook879	Capitalize - Simpsons World is our best source and they capitalize it
(20:42:31)	Phinbart	Let's go with the Simpsons World titles, the titles listed on FoxFlash, and in another case,
(20:42:32)	Randomno	Why is it the best source?
(20:42:49)	Cook879	Because any Fox intern could have updated the website
(20:43:09)	Cook879	The book is a proper published source
(20:43:12)	Randomno	But that could mean they have updated the title.
(20:43:14)	AleWi|ESC	On the DVD they write all letters with Capitlization
(20:43:32)	Cook879	They don't update after broadcast
(20:44:02)	Randomno	Meh then.
(20:44:10)	Randomno	I still think a site is better.
(20:44:53)	Phinbart	I still think an official publication is best.
(20:45:00)	Nick97	^me too
(20:45:04)	Randomno	BRB.
(20:45:13)	Cook879	Can wew wrap this topic up?
(20:45:33)	Cook879	*we
(20:45:38)	AleWi|ESC	for the four time?
(20:45:40)	AleWi|ESC	yes???
(20:45:58)	Cook879	Yes - Say I if you think we should capitalize "Is" and "Are"
(20:46:00)	Cook879	I
(20:46:09)	Nick97	Eye
(20:46:51)	Cook879	Phinbart?
(20:47:05)	WebkinzMania	I
(20:47:11)	Phinbart	We should captialize "IS" not "ARE"
(20:47:40)	Cook879	hmm... Myth will say I, Randomno won't
(20:48:59)	Cook879	Well, majority are for. Anyone with additonal comments make a discussion
(20:49:02)	Cook879	Let's move on
(20:49:45)	AleWi|ESC	Dictionary wiki. Points to discuss: Easier to find; half of our viewers probably don't know we have a dictionary.
(20:49:47)	AleWi|ESC	A name like "Simptionary" or something, otherwise we'd have to call it "the dictionary namespace".
(20:49:49)	AleWi|ESC	Easier to add project page, instead of putting "Wikisimpsons:Dictionary:Project page" or "Dictionary:Project:Project page".
(20:49:54)	Phinbart	No Dictionary wiki.
(20:50:00)	AleWi|ESC	No Dictionary wiki.
(20:50:08)	Cook879	I know Solar would agree when I say no dictionary wiki
(20:50:09)	AleWi|ESC	Solar don't eighter
(20:50:26)	Nick97	no
(20:50:46)	WebkinzMania	no
(20:51:04)	Cook879	Randomno will argue, but it's clear the majority disagree with him
(20:51:08)	Cook879	so I think we can move on
(20:51:18)	AleWi|ESC	File:No character image.png
(20:51:22)	AleWi|ESC	is next topic
(20:51:25)	WebkinzMania	
(20:51:26)	AleWi|ESC	the file don't excist
(20:51:28)	Phinbart	Deleted - pointless to discuss
(20:51:32)	Cook879	Next
(20:51:37)	AleWi|ESC	German wiki Ways to keep it more active
(20:51:39)	AleWi|ESC	Improvements
(20:51:40)	WebkinzMania	Why do we need a no character image anyways?
(20:52:01)	Cook879	WebkinzMania: i guess just to fill the space in the infobox
(20:52:06)	WebkinzMania	ah
(20:52:07)	Phinbart	For characters with no images available (mentioned characters, etc.)
(20:52:23)	Cook879	German - get a German guy would be the best
(20:52:24)	WebkinzMania	I think Blank.png|Name (mentioned) is fine
(20:52:26)	WebkinzMania	but we moved on
(20:52:33)	WebkinzMania	we are moving on*
(20:52:34)	WebkinzMania	
(20:52:44)	-->|	Doh5678 (4e941fea@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikisimpsons
(20:52:46)	WebkinzMania	I honestly have no opinion about that. I don't edit there.
(20:52:48)	AleWi|ESC	German wiki Ways to keep it more active
(20:52:48)	Phinbart	In the infobox I meant.
(20:52:50)	AleWi|ESC	Improvements
(20:52:51)	Phinbart	Hi, Doh!
(20:52:52)	AleWi|ESC	WebkinzMania Why do we need a no character image anyways?
(20:52:53)	AleWi|ESC	Cook879 WebkinzMania: i guess jus
(20:52:58)	AleWi|ESC	Hi Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678 Doh5678
(20:53:01)	=-=	Mode #wikisimpsons +v Doh5678 by Cook879
(20:53:10)	Phinbart	For characters with no images available (mentioned characters, etc.) It could have gone in the infobox.
(20:53:48)	Doh5678	What've I missed?
(20:53:52)	Cook879	Right, German - Doh5678 this is your wiki, any comments?
(20:54:07)	Cook879	We're redoing the last meeting
(20:54:52)	Doh5678	Everyone needs to learn German
(20:55:08)	AleWi|ESC	I can a few words
(20:55:13)	Cook879	We need a German - simples
(20:55:16)	Randomno	Back.
(20:55:25)	AleWi|ESC	Blog:Changing bullets in appearances to numbers
(20:55:29)	Phinbart	I know a few words, but I usually translate the words.
(20:55:30)	AleWi|ESC
(20:55:31)	Cook879	Randomno: Improving German
(20:55:37)	Phinbart	- Using Google Translate.
(20:55:48)	Doh5678	Do whatever the hell you want
(20:55:56)	Nick97	put a "wanted ad" in a German newspaper
(20:56:06)	Cook879	lol
(20:56:25)	Cook879	AleWi|ESC: Is that next? That is really old
(20:56:26)	Doh5678	My brother is going to GErmany next year so
(20:56:27)	AleWi|ESC	did one on TV
(20:56:38)	AleWi|ESC	yes, next topic is that
(20:56:52)	AleWi|ESC	Only Solar has vote
(20:56:53)	Nick97	@Doh5678: Get him to bring back a German.
(20:57:06)	Randomno	Please can we talk about dictionary wiki again?
(20:57:15)	Doh5678	He speaks a lot of German
(20:57:22)	Cook879	Randomno: Everyone but you we're against
(20:57:25)	Cook879	*were
(20:57:27)	AleWi|ESC	No dictionary wiki
(20:57:28)	Phinbart	The only German-fluent user is that "Tin" user on the German wiki who just fixes the translated German into proper German.
(20:57:32)	Randomno	I want to bring up some points.
(20:57:34)	AleWi|ESC	we have a mainspace for it
(20:57:41)	AleWi|ESC	not again, sigh!
(20:57:46)	Randomno	
(20:58:00)	Cook879	Bring them up at the end, or in a forum. We're ahead now
(20:58:10)	Randomno	
(20:58:26)	Phinbart	Next topic?
(20:58:26)	Randomno	Can we do German and move back?
(20:58:32)	AleWi|ESC
(20:58:56)	Cook879	Randomno: at the end
(20:59:01)	Randomno	
(20:59:03)	Randomno	Fine.
(20:59:08)	Randomno	Hopefully I'll be there.
(20:59:27)	Cook879	RE: Numbers. I asked Randomno for an example, but he never served me
(20:59:39)	Randomno	What do you mean?
(20:59:52)	Phinbart	Nope, I don't think we should change the bullets to numbers.
(20:59:53)	Cook879	As in a numbered appearance list
(21:00:07)	Cook879	Just to see if it looks as bad as it seems
(21:00:19)	Randomno	I don't really think we should, but I wanted to know what to do with the discussion.
(21:00:33)	Cook879	Close it
(21:00:59)	Cook879	So if that's all, next AleWi|ESC
(21:01:09)	Randomno	Okay, seems to be.
(21:01:12)	Randomno	Next topic.
(21:01:15)	AleWi|ESC	Images on infoboxes for comics, title, front page or a frame?
(21:01:25)	Randomno	Title.
(21:01:30)	Cook879	Whatever's suitable
(21:01:31)	Phinbart	It should be the first frame in the comic.
(21:01:41)	AleWi|ESC	RIght now is often just the title
(21:01:46)	Phinbart	I mean - a frame that sums up the comic.
(21:01:52)	Cook879	Episodes is most suitable. Comics should be the same
(21:01:57)	Cook879	*are
(21:02:21)	Nick97	Most suitable.
(21:02:44)	Doh5678	Most suitable
(21:02:48)	-->|	WebkinzMania_ (60fafdd9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikisimpsons
(21:02:57)	Randomno	Can we at least have the title with it?
(21:03:02)	Cook879	Though I fail to see an example where a title does this
(21:03:15)	Cook879	Randomno: So, two images?
(21:03:18)	Randomno	A Simpleton Plan?
(21:03:19)	Nick97	If the most suitable frame includes the title, then yes.
(21:03:32)	Randomno	How about we have the title and then a frame?
(21:03:49)	AleWi|ESC	Why most we have the title?
(21:03:50)	Cook879	Dunno - might look crappy
(21:04:10)	Randomno	Umm... Let me just attempt to scan something.
(21:04:15)	Randomno	May be about 5 - 10 minutes.
(21:04:20)	Doh5678	People can read the page title, so why repeat it in the image
(21:04:29)	Phinbart	Just having the title is a bit stupid.
(21:04:33)	AleWi|ESC
(21:04:34)	AleWi|ESC	is better
(21:04:44)	Cook879	^
(21:05:21)	Phinbart	Next topic?
(21:05:24)	|<--	WebkinzMania has left freenode (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
(21:05:32)	AleWi|ESC	Main pages for comics
(21:05:36)	Phinbart	The Comic Main Page.
(21:05:45)	Phinbart	I like AleWi's Comic Portal thingy.
(21:05:56)	Cook879	Where would this be used though? Like the link and what not?
(21:06:05)	AleWi|ESC	Link in the sidebar
(21:06:08)	Phinbart	Get it completed, AleWi, and then we could implement it using a "Comic:" namespace maybe.
(21:06:09)	AleWi|ESC	when you click on Comic
(21:06:19)	Cook879	Oh right.
(21:06:31)	Randomno	Wait!!!!
(21:06:35)	Cook879	Though we would have to implement for all.
(21:06:38)	Nick97	I like the idea, but we need more completed articles.
(21:06:39)	Randomno	I'm nearly done scanning.
(21:06:49)	Cook879	Randomno: Bring it up when you're down
(21:06:57)	Phinbart	No, just the "Comic:" namespace for the portal.
(21:07:03)	AleWi|ESC	We can simply do a completed articles in month
(21:07:08)	Cook879	How about this.
(21:07:14)	Phinbart	Not renaming Comic articles with "Comic:" before them.
(21:07:31)	Cook879	We're removing projects into style guides
(21:07:38)	Cook879	so the talk pages link to the portal instead
(21:07:42)	Phinbart	AleWi, I meant complete the Comic portal thing.
(21:08:03)	AleWi|ESC	Yes, but I have wait to what you thinks about it
(21:08:05)	Cook879	Maybe portals for other things, like episodes, games, e.t.c.
(21:08:28)	Phinbart	Maybe just a "Comic:" portal
(21:08:46)	Phinbart	I think there's been more comic stories than there has been episodes!
(21:08:52)	Cook879	Well yeah
(21:09:04)	AleWi|ESC	Around 80% of all comic stories have an article
(21:09:15)	Nick97	Episodes and comics are the two main things. Games, etc. are less important.
(21:09:41)	Nick97	@AleWi: I know, I mean that most still need all the tabs, and other related articles.
(21:09:46)	Phinbart	We could have like a "Looking for a comic article" thing on the Portal, and a search feature to search for comics.
(21:10:15)	AleWi|ESC	The comic articles should stay in the main namespoace
(21:10:21)	AleWi|ESC	*space
(21:10:27)	Phinbart	Yes.
(21:10:31)	Cook879	Yes - the portal can go in the Wikisimpsons space
(21:10:33)	Randomno	Okay, I'm uploading the comic frame.
(21:10:38)	Randomno	It is 3MB, though.
(21:10:48)	Cook879	Don't talk about it till we discussed this.
(21:10:57)	Phinbart	I still think it should be in a "Comic:" namespace.
(21:11:10)	Randomno	I think we should have a portal.
(21:11:15)	Randomno	I just don't know where.
(21:11:18)	AleWi|ESC	I think we should have a portal for Comic in Wikisimpsons namespace
(21:11:19)	Cook879	But a new namespace for one article is pointless
(21:11:44)	Randomno	I just need to look at the log.
(21:11:51)	Phinbart	Yeah, but then where are we gonna put the portal?
(21:12:01)	Phinbart	A page named "Comic Portal"?
(21:12:04)	Cook879	in the Wikisimpsons name space
(21:12:10)	Randomno	I need to add the log of the meeting now; the discussion is getting very long.
(21:12:11)	Cook879	and that can redirect there
(21:12:17)	Doh5678	Wikisimpsons: Comic Portal
(21:12:28)	Phinbart	OK, but I'm just saying it's better with "Comic:Main Page"
(21:12:59)	Cook879	Anyway, the logistics can be better discussed closer to implementation
(21:13:26)	Phinbart	That frame could be better with a bit more insight into a "secret sauce"
(21:13:37)	Phinbart	*the secret sauce
(21:14:24)	Cook879	But nevertheless it beats the title
(21:14:48)	Randomno	Phinbart, I don't want to have to upload another 3MB file.
(21:15:02)	AleWi|ESC	Shrink the picture
(21:15:20)	Phinbart	OK, we should put the picture on the article.
(21:15:22)	Cook879	Are you scanning?
(21:15:31)	Cook879	You should use an online file
(21:16:06)	Randomno	Where?
(21:16:57)	Cook879	Search online and you can illegally download any comic
(21:17:10)	Randomno	
(21:17:43)	Randomno
(21:18:02)	Cook879	One comic is 15MB. One of you're frames is 3MB...
(21:18:14)	Cook879	Anyone, NEXT AleWi|ESC
(21:18:29)	AleWi|ESC	Article milestones page
(21:18:34)	AleWi|ESC	taking 3 minutes brake
(21:18:40)	Cook879	I thought we deleted it?
(21:19:30)	Doh5678	Explain what this means please
(21:19:51)	Cook879	I believe Randomno had a page saying what and when every 1,000th article was made
(21:19:59)	Randomno
(21:20:12)	Cook879	Oh, it's still there
(21:20:12)	Randomno	Please restore for the sake of this discussion, Cook879.
(21:20:20)	Cook879	Oh, it's not
(21:20:39)	Cook879	Done
(21:20:45)	Randomno	Cheers.
(21:20:49)	Nick97	Couldn't it just redirect to that page that has the history of Wikisimpsons?
(21:21:01)	Phinbart	It could be included on the article.
(21:21:13)	Cook879	Good idea, Phinbart
(21:21:40)	Phinbart	OK...
(21:21:57)	Doh5678	Shock horror, Phinbart has a good idea!
(21:21:58)	AleWi|ESC	back
(21:22:28)	Phinbart	I've had plenty of good ideas!
(21:23:02)	Doh5678	Such as
(21:23:20)	Phinbart	Erm...OK...I can't remember of any good idea's I've had.
(21:23:29)	Cook879	
(21:23:59)	Randomno	I came up with the admins winning Homers discussion.
(21:24:18)	Cook879	Anyway, so all who tihnk merge say I
(21:24:20)	Cook879	I
(21:24:30)	Phinbart	I
(21:24:45)	Randomno	Eyes and ears and mouth and nose.
(21:24:48)	Doh5678	I
(21:25:05)	Phinbart	Right, we're merging then.
(21:25:15)	Cook879	You know what i'm gonna say, AleWi|ESC
(21:25:30)	Randomno	Next topis.
(21:25:34)	Randomno	*topic
(21:25:35)	Phinbart	Project Re-Watch Navboxes for songs in each season (ex: Template:Season 11 Songs). Improving the box on the left on navboxes (ex: Template:Specials). Extras tab for comic issues. (credit/letters/Bongo beat/etc.)
(21:25:40)	AleWi|ESC	Project Re-Watch
(21:25:53)	Randomno	Should we re-start it?
(21:26:07)	Randomno	And can I direct this discussion, please.
(21:26:14)	Doh5678	Any Interest at all?
(21:26:17)	Cook879	Personally, i won't take part
(21:26:19)	AleWi|ESC	no
(21:26:21)	Randomno	There is quite a lot to discuss.
(21:26:24)	Doh5678	Apart from Randomno
(21:26:30)	Phinbart	Yes, we could restart Project Re-Watch
(21:26:32)	AleWi|ESC	Worldwide trends on Twitter
(21:26:34)	AleWi|ESC	#Sweden
(21:26:36)	AleWi|ESC	#eurovision
(21:26:39)	Randomno	Great.
(21:26:51)	Randomno	Anyway, please ignore the state of the project currently.
(21:27:04)	Randomno	If we keep it, I want to discuss improvements.
(21:27:10)	AleWi|ESC	Navboxes for songs in each season (ex: Template:Season 11 Songs).
(21:27:15)	Randomno	What?
(21:27:20)	Cook879	Not yet, Randomno wants to talk
(21:27:21)	AleWi|ESC	next topic
(21:27:38)	Phinbart	Song navboxes - Yes
(21:27:40)	Cook879	Well, if you can vester intrest, then it can stay
(21:27:43)	Doh5678	Vote on wether to keep them?
(21:27:47)	Doh5678	*then
(21:27:56)	Randomno	And ignoring the current status of it!
(21:28:03)	Cook879	I thought we we're on Re-Wacth?
(21:28:13)	Randomno	"I" or "Nay".7
(21:28:15)	Randomno	*.
(21:28:22)	AleWi|ESC	Nay
(21:28:24)	Phinbart	We should re-start Re-Watch in the summer holidays.
(21:28:32)	Nick97	^
(21:28:32)	Phinbart	Then more users will be on.
(21:28:33)	Randomno	It's that now.
(21:28:49)	Nick97	It is more suited in the summer, when there are no new eps
(21:29:01)	Cook879	Ok, so rewatch stays.
(21:29:03)	Randomno	I suppose we can do that.
(21:29:09)	AleWi|ESC	I don't joining rewatch
(21:29:19)	Randomno	Okay, we seem to have started a new sub-topic.
(21:29:23)	Cook879	Neither am I, but they seem intrested
(21:29:24)	Randomno	When to have it on.
(21:29:33)	Cook879	When there's no new episodes
(21:29:37)	Randomno	I actually think we should have it on most of the time.
(21:29:43)	Phinbart	Next topic?
(21:29:51)	Randomno	We can catch up with the new episode afterwards.
(21:29:58)	Randomno	Phinbart: Why TH?
(21:30:08)	AleWi|ESC	Most people searching after information about new episodes
(21:30:09)	Cook879	Well, not that I care, but there is less time and new episodes then. and new episodes we want to focus on at the time of airing
(21:30:18)	Doh5678	^
(21:30:21)	Nick97	^
(21:30:29)	Randomno	We always make a lot of new episode articles.
(21:30:39)	AleWi|ESC	Lots of episodes from season 23 missing plot and credits
(21:30:40)	Nick97	Because people will be searching for hem
(21:30:52)	Randomno	
(21:31:00)	Randomno	Not Chicagoan man.
(21:31:07)	Nick97	>_>
(21:31:20)	Cook879	But it's best to cover such things when intrest peaks
(21:31:26)	Nick97	Chicagoans might.
(21:31:26)	Randomno	More like "man hanging on to lady gagas train in lisa goes gaga whats he called".
(21:31:37)	Cook879	Anyway, this can be decided in September
(21:31:50)	Randomno	There is an episode break now, Cook879.
(21:32:02)	Phinbart	A 3-month ep break.
(21:32:04)	Cook879	Yes, summer
(21:32:09)	Cook879	when re-watch is already active
(21:32:17)	AleWi|ESC	A new short is coming in july
(21:32:21)	Randomno	It is a short.
(21:32:29)	Phinbart	I'm gonna go see the film.
(21:32:40)	Phinbart	Hopefully, it will be shown before UK showings.
(21:32:41)	Randomno	And from what I've read, it doesn't sound like there's going to be many new appearances.
(21:32:50)	AleWi|ESC	I don't know if they brodcast the shot outside US
(21:32:59)	Randomno	The shot?
(21:33:03)	AleWi|ESC	*short
(21:33:05)	-->|	Solar_Dragon|AFK ( has joined #wikisimpsons
(21:33:06)	Randomno	
(21:33:12)	Randomno	Solar_Dragon|AFK!
(21:33:15)	Randomno	You're late.
(21:33:16)	AleWi|ESC	Hi Solar_Dragon|AFK!
(21:33:19)	=-=	Solar_Dragon|AFK is now known as Solar_Dragon
(21:33:20)	AleWi|ESC	I'm glad you are AFK!
(21:33:21)	Phinbart	Hi, Solar!
(21:33:22)	AleWi|ESC	NO!
(21:33:26)	AleWi|ESC	You are not AFK anymore!
(21:33:28)	AleWi|ESC	Bad Solar, bad!
(21:33:30)	Phinbart	You're about 20 topics late!
(21:33:39)	|<--	Solar_Dragon has left freenode (Changing host)
(21:33:39)	-->|	Solar_Dragon (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/solar-dragon/x-6775772) has joined #wikisimpsons
(21:33:39)	=-=	Mode #wikisimpsons +o Solar_Dragon by ChanServ
(21:33:42)	Cook879	Run while you can Solar_Dragon, run!
(21:33:45)	Solar_Dragon	What do you mean 20 topics late?
(21:33:55)	Randomno	We re-discussed last time's topics.
(21:33:56)	Cook879	Re did the old meeting
(21:34:01)	Cook879	Decided when I arrived
(21:34:04)	Doh5678	You missed most of the SuperMegaMeeting tm
(21:34:05)	Phinbart	Anyway, about the short, I'm hoping to bring a notepad so I can write down basic info on what happened in the short and its appearances.
(21:34:14)	Nick97	^Yes!
(21:34:15)	Phinbart	If its shown before UK showings
(21:34:18)	Cook879	You do that - won't look wierd at all
(21:34:22)	Cook879	Anyway, NEXT!
(21:34:26)	Solar_Dragon	I just got back from a barbecue
(21:34:31)	Solar_Dragon	I'm slightly pissed
(21:34:37)	AleWi|ESC	was you not at the barber?
(21:35:06)	Randomno	Can we go back to topic?
(21:35:15)	Randomno	Re-watch.
(21:35:17)	Cook879	What's there to say?
(21:35:18)	AleWi|ESC	Project Re-Watch
(21:35:26)	WebkinzMania_	back
(21:35:28)	AleWi|ESC	I don't care, I don't joining that
(21:35:30)	Cook879	We're doing it in summer. Wheter we continue we can decide close to the time
(21:35:30)	Randomno	Okay, will we have it on on the summer?
(21:35:39)	Nick97	yes
(21:36:23)	Randomno	Seems like yes.
(21:36:25)	Doh5678	ye
(21:36:37)	Randomno	Okay, how often should we have it and for hwo long?
(21:36:40)	Randomno	*how
(21:36:53)	Phinbart	The entire summer?
(21:37:02)	Doh5678	Episode breaks
(21:37:08)	Randomno	No, no, no.
(21:37:11)	Randomno	Each episode.
(21:37:16)	Phinbart	I've gotta go soon.
(21:37:22)	Nick97	A week? Two weeks?
(21:37:26)	Nick97	per ep
(21:37:28)	Randomno	I think three weeks.
(21:37:40)	Phinbart	Two weeks per ep?
(21:37:41)	Nick97	I dunno if we'd need that much time.
(21:37:43)	Solar_Dragon	I could do a whole episode on my own in one day.
(21:37:49)	Cook879	We can do a new episode within a few days. A week will do if you work at that rate
(21:37:50)	Randomno	Shuddup, Solar.
(21:38:01)	Nick97	@Solar: Well, then get working!
(21:38:11)	Randomno	Okay, let's see when we do re-watch.
(21:38:11)	Cook879	How about you set a wekk, and see how it goes
(21:38:15)	Cook879	then adjust accordingly
(21:38:16)	Nick97	There's 365 days a year!
(21:38:17)	Solar_Dragon	Nick97, I work on three websites.
(21:38:24)	Cook879	AleWi|ESC: NEXT!
(21:38:25)	Randomno	If we are done or so by one week, that will be the length.
(21:38:27)	Solar_Dragon	It's hard for me to do much
(21:38:33)	Randomno	Cook879: NO!
(21:38:34)	AleWi|ESC	Navboxes for songs in each season (ex: Template:Season 11 Songs).
(21:38:40)	Randomno	Stop!!
(21:38:45)	Cook879	WHY NOW
(21:38:46)	Doh5678	hammer time
(21:38:47)	Phinbart	OFF TOPIC: Randomno, where did your Simpsons site go? Was it on Weebly?
(21:38:58)	Randomno	I deleted my first one.
(21:39:03)	Nick97	SOP!
(21:39:04)	Randomno	I have a genealogy one and a new one.
(21:39:13)	Cook879	...
(21:39:26)	Cook879	Can we get on with this
(21:39:33)	Phinbart	Is the new one a Simpsons-based one?
(21:39:38)	Randomno	("We can't keep stopping at every "sop", "wat", and "gve wy" sign.")
(21:39:39)	Cook879	NEXT
(21:39:43)	Doh5678	Norway 0-1 England (FT)
(21:39:45)	Randomno	No, no, no!!
(21:39:54)	Randomno	Phinbart: All are.
(21:39:56)	Nick97	It's "sop" "yeld" or "one vay"
(21:40:05)	Randomno	Okay.
(21:40:06)	AleWi|ESC	Don't watching your stupid game
(21:40:36)	Randomno	Should we get a group of people doing a transcript?
(21:40:44)	Phinbart	Song navboxes - Yes Navbox "box" - Doesn't need change Extra comic tabs - no
(21:40:48)	Randomno	I also have another thing I want to discuss on this top.
(21:41:00)	Phinbart	Well, me and you are doing a "Totally Fun Thing" transcript.
(21:41:07)	Randomno	Phinbart: Great, wait until later.
(21:41:08)	Cook879	Look - specifics to rewatch can be discussed at another time or within the project
(21:41:09)	Randomno	I know.
(21:41:15)	Phinbart	I'm gonna continue on with it when I'm off for a week.
(21:41:19)	WebkinzMania_	Song navboxes - Yes
(21:41:20)	Randomno	We can still discuss them now.
(21:41:30)	Randomno	We wan't to prepare for when we do them.
(21:41:30)	WebkinzMania_	Navbox "box" - Yes (if it's like the films one)
(21:41:37)	Cook879	I'd like to be in front of the telly in 19 minutes
(21:41:39)	WebkinzMania_	Extra comic tabs - Sure, I guess, if someone's willing to do so
(21:41:45)	Cook879	Which is why you have a talk page
(21:41:45)	Randomno	Umm, just stay on topic for a little longer.
(21:42:37)	Doh5678	no
(21:42:42)	Nick97	@Phinbart I mean one single "Extras" tab, since the new comics have the letters/Bongo Beat/joke ads/interveiws/etc.
(21:42:56)	Cook879	....
(21:43:01)	Phinbart	I need to go now. Smell ya later!
(21:43:05)	|<--	Phinbart has left freenode (Quit: Page closed)
(21:43:06)	Randomno	Yay!
(21:43:12)	Randomno	Okay, btt.
(21:43:16)	Cook879	Let's just start at the same point: Song navboxes - go
(21:43:22)	Randomno	---
(21:43:26)	WebkinzMania_	Song navboxes - yes
(21:43:30)	WebkinzMania_	Many song pages are orphans
(21:43:35)	Randomno	---------
(21:43:38)	Cook879	Randomno: Again, at the end if you really want
(21:43:40)	AleWi|ESC	I don
(21:43:41)	WebkinzMania_	and we have one for season 11
(21:43:43)	AleWi|ESC	't know
(21:43:49)	Randomno	Hell, stop!
(21:43:59)	Randomno	We can't just leave a discussion on a cliffhanger.
(21:44:07)	Cook879	Randomno: We haven't
(21:44:09)	Doh5678	yes we can
(21:44:13)	WebkinzMania_	I'm gonna go... this is getting out of hand.
(21:44:14)	Randomno	
(21:44:17)	Randomno	We have.
(21:44:28)	Cook879	No - we decided on doing it.
(21:44:32)	Cook879	That's decided we move on
(21:44:34)	Randomno	Can we calm this down?
(21:44:55)	Randomno	I want to say something about re-watch quickly.
(21:45:11)	Doh5678	what
(21:45:28)	AleWi|ESC	Improving the box on the left on navboxes (ex: Template:Specials).
(21:45:43)	Randomno	Okay, I want to discuss some things so we can prepare for when we re-start it. So, before we jump to desicions, can we please discuss that?
(21:45:50)	Doh5678	No
(21:46:04)	Doh5678	Do it at a later date
(21:46:09)	Cook879	^
(21:46:14)	Randomno	Even if we don't, that's not the end of it.
(21:46:16)	Randomno	No!
(21:46:20)	Randomno	We need to prepare!
(21:46:38)	Doh5678	Next meeting then
(21:46:45)	Cook879	Which is why there's a talk page. Why discuss to loads of people who aren't joining in?
(21:46:47)	Randomno	A later date would still be before the project starts so there's not much difference.
(21:46:49)	Doh5678	Not now
(21:47:04)	Randomno	I'll bring it up on the talk page, then.
(21:47:11)	Randomno	And NOW we can move along.
(21:47:12)	Doh5678	Good
(21:47:13)	Cook879	thank you
(21:47:19)	AleWi|ESC	Improving the box on the left on navboxes (ex: Template:Specials).
(21:47:46)	Cook879	That's the best I could get when I made it
(21:47:54)	Randomno	Stop!
(21:47:59)	WebkinzMania_	...
(21:48:01)	Doh5678	hammer time
(21:48:04)	Randomno	We're on the one above, AleWi|ESC.
(21:48:25)	AleWi|ESC	still???
(21:48:35)	Cook879	Ok
(21:48:42)	Cook879	Song navboxes - vote
(21:48:46)	Cook879	I
(21:48:53)	Randomno	I.
(21:48:54)	Doh5678	I
(21:48:55)	WebkinzMania_	I
(21:49:02)	Randomno	Basically, hell yes.
(21:49:05)	Doh5678	Unanimous decision
(21:49:09)	WebkinzMania_	Good.
(21:49:14)	WebkinzMania_	easy. next?
(21:49:15)	Randomno	Next topic!
(21:49:35)	Randomno	Improving the box on the left on navboxes (ex: Template:Specials).
(21:49:50)	Randomno	I think it could basically look better.
(21:50:02)	Cook879	As i said, if you can, do it
(21:50:06)	Randomno	And Cook879, I thought Solar created the navboxes?
(21:50:06)	Cook879	I couldn't, so didn't
(21:50:14)	Solar_Dragon	Not those ones
(21:50:20)	Randomno	But if we can, we should decide what style.
(21:50:30)	Randomno	I have a Simpsonspedia one I like.
(21:50:31)	Cook879	What you mean?
(21:50:51)	Randomno
(21:51:02)	Randomno	Look at the template.
(21:51:12)	Cook879	Oh, as in colours and what not?
(21:51:54)	Randomno	Yes.
(21:52:04)	Cook879	Same as the normal navboxes.
(21:54:42)	AleWi|ESC	next topic??
(21:54:44)	Doh5678	
(21:55:26)	AleWi|ESC	Extras tab for comic issues. (credit/letters/Bongo beat/etc.)
(21:55:44)	Cook879	I did make some, which are used, like twice
(21:55:48)	Randomno What do you think so far?
(21:56:01)	Randomno	AleWi|ESC: Stop rushing.
(21:56:03)	Cook879	FInd a UK comic with a credits and features tab - there's one or two
(21:56:07)	Randomno	If anyone should be, it's me.
(21:56:13)	Randomno	It's nearly 10:00.
(21:56:19)	Cook879	I want to watch TV in 4 minutes. Guess i'll plus 1 it <_<
(21:56:19)	AleWi|ESC	all comic from US have a credit
(21:56:54)	Randomno	Anyways, back a topic.
(21:57:24)	Randomno	Actually, can we put this on hold until tomorrow?
(21:57:26)	Cook879	the group is bigger than the list >_>
(21:57:34)	Randomno	A lot of people have gone or are going.
(21:57:42)	Randomno	And it's getting late.
(21:57:48)	Cook879	Nick97, AleWi|ESC:
(21:57:54)	Cook879
(21:58:49)	Randomno	Can we put this on hold then...?
(21:58:50)	Nick97	Wasn't aware of that. thanks Cook.
(21:59:10)	AleWi|ESC	Everybody can leave when you want
(21:59:18)	Cook879	How much we got left
(21:59:28)	Randomno	Not a terrible e=amount.
(21:59:33)	Randomno	*amount
(21:59:33)	AleWi|ESC	two topic after thsi
(21:59:34)	Doh5678	2/3 topics
(21:59:35)	AleWi|ESC	this
(21:59:41)	Randomno	Hmmm...
(21:59:49)	Cook879	So let's finnish this
(21:59:57)	AleWi|ESC	Extras tab for comic issues. (credit/letters/Bongo beat/etc.)
(21:59:58)	AleWi|ESC	vote
(22:00:00)	AleWi|ESC	I
(22:00:10)	Cook879	We already have it
(22:00:23)	AleWi|ESC	Project pages shortcuts.
(22:00:33)	Randomno	Cook879, nobody in here is Finnish.
(22:00:34)	WebkinzMania_	We do?
(22:00:34)	AleWi|ESC	is next topic
(22:00:52)	Randomno	Well don't discuss it yet, AleWi|ESC.
(22:01:02)	Randomno	Okay, 22:00.
(22:01:21)	Cook879	so if we ain't discussing that, what are we discussing
(22:01:21)	Randomno	I vote use features tab.
(22:01:38)	Randomno	Nick97, Doh5678?
(22:01:49)	Randomno	And Solar.
(22:02:01)	Doh5678	Can we leave these for next meeting
(22:02:08)	Cook879	No italics! I sure made this a while ago
(22:02:19)	Randomno	Italics?
(22:02:22)	Cook879	Over a year ago in fact
(22:02:35)	Randomno	Huh?
(22:02:39)	Cook879
(22:03:08)	Randomno	
(22:03:28)	Randomno	Anyway, what is the result for extras tab?
(22:03:41)	Cook879	wrong link
(22:03:42)	AleWi|ESC	We should have it for comic
(22:03:44)	Nick97	Since we have it already, I say use it whenapplicable
(22:03:45)	AleWi|ESC	issues
(22:03:49)	Cook879
(22:03:56)	Nick97	*when applicable
(22:03:57)	Cook879	that's what i meant Randomno
(22:04:20)	Randomno	
(22:04:21)	Randomno	Okay.
(22:04:36)	Randomno	Should we just use the featured tab, then?
(22:04:46)	Nick97	Yes, it's the same thing.
(22:04:49)	AleWi|ESC	no, we should have credits
(22:04:55)	Randomno	...
(22:05:06)	Cook879	He meant use featured tab for the extras
(22:05:14)	Cook879	Credit tab for the credits, obviouslyt
(22:05:17)	Cook879	*obviously
(22:05:42)	Randomno	Okay...
(22:05:45)	Randomno	Next topic?
(22:05:53)	Cook879	Shoot
(22:06:06)	Randomno	Okay.
(22:06:12)	Randomno	Project pages shortcuts.
(22:06:21)	Randomno	I made some of these a while ago.
(22:06:34)	Randomno
(22:06:37)	Randomno
(22:07:03)	Cook879	and what are we discussing?
(22:07:33)	Randomno	^^^^^
(22:07:42)	Cook879	What about them?
(22:08:37)	Randomno	Should we have them, get rid of them>
(22:08:40)	Randomno	*?
(22:09:26)	Cook879	meh
(22:09:43)	Randomno	Solar, are you AFK?
(22:09:45)	AleWi|ESC	meh
(22:09:54)	AleWi|ESC	Solar has not talking under the meeting
(22:09:57)	Doh5678	MEH
(22:10:01)	Solar_Dragon	No, I'm just tired and not paying munch attetion
(22:10:02)	AleWi|ESC	so his is AFK or don't want discuess
(22:10:23)	Randomno	Okay.
(22:10:41)	AleWi|ESC	We keep them
(22:10:43)	AleWi|ESC	so next topic
(22:10:49)	AleWi|ESC	Next editor meeting
(22:10:56)	AleWi|ESC	When he need, two weeks or later
(22:11:00)	AleWi|ESC	*we
(22:11:01)	Doh5678	Whenever
(22:11:16)	AleWi|ESC	Meeting ending
(22:11:24)	Randomno	AleWi|ESC, that is just ridiculous.
(22:11:32)	Randomno	DO NOT END MEETING!
(22:11:44)	Cook879	Why not
(22:11:45)	AleWi|ESC	why?
(22:11:54)	AleWi|ESC	I don't all beside you are happy about it
(22:12:02)	Randomno	(22:10:41) AleWi|ESC We keep them
(22:12:02)	Randomno	(22:10:43) AleWi|ESC so next topic
(22:12:02)	Randomno	(22:10:49) AleWi|ESC Next editor meeting
(22:12:02)	Randomno	(22:10:56) AleWi|ESC When he need, two weeks or later
(22:12:02)	Randomno	(22:11:00) AleWi|ESC *we
(22:12:02)	Randomno	(22:11:01) Doh5678 Whenever
(22:12:02)	Randomno	(22:11:16) AleWi|ESC Meeting ending
(22:12:11)	Cook879	what can we discuss about a topic no one has an opinion about?
(22:12:12)	AleWi|ESC	don*t - think
(22:12:32)	Randomno	Okay, does anyone object to shortcuts?
(22:12:43)	AleWi|ESC	keep, we don't care
(22:12:50)	Randomno	No, stop.
(22:12:51)	AleWi|ESC	only you
(22:12:55)	Randomno	Nick97, you reading this?
(22:13:08)	Nick97	Yes. And the comics.
(22:13:16)	Randomno	Great.
(22:13:19)	Doh5678	Can we just end the fucking meeting already
(22:13:20)	Randomno	Your opinion?
(22:13:31)	Nick97	I don't really care.
(22:13:34)	Cook879	Good
(22:13:35)	AleWi|ESC	it's randomno
(22:13:38)	Cook879	Meeting ended
(22:13:41)	Randomno	Okay, keep.
(22:13:45)	Randomno	Now, next editor meeting.
(22:13:50)	Doh5678	MEETING ENDED
(22:13:59)	Cook879	Why do we always have that topic?
(22:14:03)	Cook879	We just say whenever
(22:14:06)	Doh5678	I put it there
(22:14:13)	Doh5678	I'll take it off
(22:14:26)	AleWi|ESC	Can someone edit the site notice?
(22:14:52)	Randomno	NO MEETING ENDED!
(22:15:12)	Randomno	Just get a time, for heavens sake.
(22:15:24)	Randomno	9 June?
(22:15:31)	Doh5678	MEETING HAS ENDED
(22:15:32)	AleWi|ESC	The next meeting will take place on June 9 or early or later.
(22:15:38)	Randomno	Wait...
(22:15:39)	AleWi|ESC	said it on the wiki now
(22:15:39)	Cook879	No one knows
(22:15:56)	Randomno	Is everyone here fine with June 9?
(22:16:22)	Randomno	And wait again! We need to bring some topics back up.
(22:16:31)	Cook879	sigh
(22:16:37)	Doh5678	DO IT LATER
(22:16:40)	Randomno	Doh5678: We can't decide just like that.
(22:16:43)	Cook879	You'll still be outvoted
(22:16:50)	Randomno	Anyway...
(22:17:08)	AleWi|ESC	kick Randomno for today
(22:17:11)	Randomno	Dictionary wiki.
(22:17:12)	AleWi|ESC	he sould go to bed
(22:17:19)	Randomno	Listen to my points.
(22:17:21)	Doh5678	Vote to end the meeting. I or nay
(22:17:28)	Doh5678	I
(22:17:36)	Solar_Dragon	NO!
(22:17:43)	Doh5678	Ok
(22:17:44)	Cook879	You read the transcript no? You sure the unaminous vote.
(22:17:47)	Solar_Dragon	IT'S A NO!
(22:17:52)	Randomno	Hey, what is the point of meetings if we don't let people discuss?
(22:17:58)	Randomno	And we have drunk maniacs shouting?
(22:18:03)	Cook879	We discussed, but you went away
(22:18:04)	Doh5678	YES
(22:18:05)	Solar_Dragon	I'm not drunk...
(22:18:06)	Cook879	Not our problem
(22:18:12)	Solar_Dragon	I'm totally sober now
(22:18:21)	Randomno	Fine whatever.
(22:18:30)	Nick97	I'm outta here. See ya!
(22:18:32)	Randomno	Anyway, discuss the indents.
(22:18:36)	Randomno	Bye Nick97.
(22:18:38)	Solar_Dragon	But no dictionary wiki.
(22:18:42)	Randomno	
(22:18:43)	|<--	Nick97 has left freenode (Quit: Page closed)
(22:18:46)	Solar_Dragon	I've already gone through why.
(22:18:49)	AleWi|ESC	he is tired
(22:18:50)	Randomno	Just listen, for heck's sake!
(22:18:58)	Solar_Dragon	I've listened!
(22:18:59)	AleWi|ESC	I'm not tired right now
(22:19:08)	Solar_Dragon	Firstly, it will not get many viewers.
(22:19:10)	AleWi|ESC	Waiting now for the results from Europe
(22:19:16)	Solar_Dragon	Secondly, there will be few people working on it.
(22:19:22)	Solar_Dragon	Thirdly, it won't have many pages
(22:19:24)	Doh5678	We've decided no, unanimously
(22:19:28)	Doh5678	That's it
(22:19:32)	Randomno	Easier to find.
(22:19:37)	Solar_Dragon	NO!
(22:19:41)	AleWi|ESC	not Easier to find.
(22:19:41)	Cook879	(20:49:54) Phinbart No Dictionary wiki.
(22:19:42)	Solar_Dragon	It's not easier to find!
(22:19:42)	Cook879	(20:50:00) AleWi|ESC No Dictionary wiki.
(22:19:42)	Cook879	(20:50:08) Cook879 I know Solar would agree when I say no dictionary wiki
(22:19:42)	Cook879	(20:50:09) AleWi|ESC Solar don't eighter
(22:19:42)	Cook879	(20:50:26) Nick97 no
(22:19:43)	Cook879	(20:50:46) WebkinzMania no
(22:19:43)	Cook879	(20:51:04) Cook879 Randomno will argue, but it's clear the majority disagree with him
(22:19:43)	Cook879	(20:51:08) Cook879 so I think we can move on
(22:19:48)	Randomno	We might actually get viewers if we advertise it.
(22:19:56)	Solar_Dragon	Because to find it, you would need to go to another wiki!
(22:19:59)	Randomno	Where does it link to the dictionary namespace?
(22:20:08)	Cook879	But why send poeple about when it can be in one place?
(22:20:13)	Solar_Dragon	The Made-up words page
(22:20:15)	Doh5678	Can't we just have a revote that ends this nonsense
(22:20:23)	Solar_Dragon	Typing in the word redirects to the dictionary: namespace
(22:20:34)	Cook879	We can't advertise what we don't have
(22:20:49)	Randomno That is EXTREMELY poor.
(22:20:50)	Cook879	We have like 5 articles. Make more, we can advertise more
(22:20:51)	Cook879	Simples
(22:20:52)	WebkinzMania_	No. -_-'
(22:20:57)	WebkinzMania_	No dictionary wiki.
(22:20:59)	WebkinzMania_	It's fine as it is.
(22:21:10)	Cook879	[22:20] <@Cook879> We can't advertise what we don't have
(22:21:10)	Cook879	[22:20] <@Cook879> We have like 5 articles. Make more, we can advertise more
(22:21:18)	WebkinzMania_	^
(22:21:26)	Randomno	We barely have any editors.
(22:21:31)	Randomno	A wiki reminds people more.
(22:21:34)	Solar_Dragon	Why do we still have the Dictionary main page?
(22:21:52)	Cook879	cos you never deleted it?
(22:22:14)	Randomno	|:
(22:22:18)	Solar_Dragon	I'll get round to it eventually.
(22:22:33)	Solar_Dragon	I have "Song 2" by Blur stuck in my head
(22:22:44)	Randomno	It's just too unpopular as a namespace.
(22:22:55)	Cook879	Cos there are no articles!
(22:23:01)	Solar_Dragon	If that's the case, it's way too unpopular for a wiki.
(22:23:04)	Cook879	Make some, it grows, that's how the web works
(22:23:13)	Doh5678	^
(22:23:18)	Randomno	What about project pages for the dictionary?
(22:23:31)	Solar_Dragon	No more project pages either.
(22:23:36)	Cook879	We're removing all projects but re-watch, remember
(22:23:41)	Solar_Dragon	I thought we were changing them into style guides...
(22:23:43)	WebkinzMania_	If you want a wiki so badly
(22:23:46)	WebkinzMania_	Make pages for them
(22:23:47)	Cook879	We are
(22:23:50)	Randomno	Oh, not that type!
(22:23:57)	Cook879	I'll probably do it tomorrow
(22:24:00)	Randomno	As in Wikisimpsons: projects.
(22:24:11)	Cook879	As in the to-do list?
(22:24:16)	Randomno	Yes/
(22:24:19)	Randomno	*.
(22:24:45)	WebkinzMania_	KK.
(22:24:51)	WebkinzMania_	I added it to the to do list.
(22:24:59)	WebkinzMania_	we sure have a lot.
(22:25:11)	WebkinzMania_	Link to all orphaned articles.
(22:25:14)	WebkinzMania_	I almost finished that.
(22:25:19)	Randomno	I will attempt to contribute to the namespace for a while.
(22:25:25)	Cook879	Good work with that, BTW
(22:25:29)	WebkinzMania_	We went from about 557 to 134.
(22:25:30)	WebkinzMania_	TY.
(22:25:46)	WebkinzMania_	These last ones will be the hardest.
(22:25:51)	Randomno	However, if it has a lack of editors, I want it to be closed or made into another wiki.
(22:26:15)	Cook879	You know we won't agree with that
(22:26:17)	Randomno	End meeting?
(22:26:25)	AleWi|ESC	meeting has ended
(22:26:26)	Doh5678	yes
(22:26:39)	Randomno	MEETING ENDED