
Off the Grid/Quotes

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Mr. Burns: Look at all that electricity! Lights burning, heats firing! Isn't it beautiful?
Waylon Smithers: I'd go as far as to say it was romantic, sir.

Homer: This can't be right! How can they want this much? I won't pay it!
Marge: I don't think we can pay it.
Homer: We can always dip into Bart's college fund.
Homer and Marge: Bwah-ha-ha-ha!!!
Bart: You know every time you make that joke, my self-esteem dies a little.

Marge: We have to something about these bills. We can cut our costs by become more energy consicious.
Homer: Cutting costs won't just help us, but it'll also stick it to the man!
Bart: I like the sound of that. What do we have to do?
Lisa: It's simple... we use less power. First thing to do is turn down the thermostat.
Homer: But then we'll be cold.
Lisa: Not if we add layers of clothing!
Homer: But sweaters don't compliment my figure.
Bart: [Mmphggh!]
Marge: Bart, shush!
Lisa: This says that for every one degree we lower the therostat that we'll save five perecent on our heating bill.
Homer: Five percent for every degreee? I say we turn it all the way off!

Edna Krabappel: Bart told me the other day that you've been living off the power grid for a week.
Marge: The longest week of my life!
Edna: I say "bravo!" you inspired me to do the same thing.
Marge: Inspired you?
Professor Frink: And me as well!
Marge:You don't say?
Professor Frink: Glaving! After I heard about your cause, I Started making with the solar panels and the wind turbines. [NG-HEY!]
Lisa: See, mom? I told you we were making a real difference! By shrinking our caron fottprint we're doing out part to save the plant.

Lisa: I think we should turn the power back on!
Homer: What?
Lisa: If we all promise to try to converse more, we'll help the planet. That'll be enough.