Two Heads Are More Than One
Tapped Out Quest Information
Two Heads Are More Than One is a premium questline in The Simpsons: Tapped Out. It was introduced in the Treehouse of Horror XXXI content update. It requires the Hell Principals to be obtained.
Pt. 1
After tapping on Hell Principals' exclamation mark
Well, Lisafer, it seems that you haven't been completing your Hellementary schoolwork.
My name is Lisa, and I'm trying to fail so I can get kicked out of here and go back to Springfield!
That bad attitude won't cut it in Hellementary School.
Indeed not! We're of one mind on this issue.
So my bad attitude will be rewarded by throwing me out of Hellementary?
Guh! Look at the mess you've created, Skinner!
Me, sir? You agreed with the mess I created.
What?! Don't you get all up in my face!
I have no choice in the matter.
Task: "Make Hell Principals Argue With Themselves". The job takes 4 hours. If Lisafer is owned: Task: "Make Lisafer Goad Hell Principals Into Fighting". The job takes place at Hellementary School, Hellscape, or a Brown House and takes 60 minutes.
Okay, that's sorted out and we're good?
We're still bad. But that's good.
So we need you to be bad in the way that we think is good.
But then I'm really just being good, which is bad, and I should get bad grades for it.
I'm confused. How 'bout you?
Oh, yeah.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 2
After tapping on Hell Principals' exclamation mark
We both need to be on the same page before Lisafer's thinking spreads to other students.
Let's just take a step back and find some things we agree on.
Right. I'll start: kittens are annoying.
They're horrible! Fudgy brownies...sickening.
Couldn't agree more.
What did you guys think of the final season of King of Thrones?
I sorta liked it.
Task: "Make Hell Principals Argue With Themselves Some More". The job takes 3 hours. If Lisafer is owned: Task: "Make Lisafer Enjoy the Show". The job takes place at Hellementary School, Hellscape, or a Brown House and takes 3 hours.
They spent eight seasons building up the ice demons only to have them go down like cheap punks!
Just like our guys down in Zamhareer. They ARE cheap punks!
Why you — get over here!
I'm already over here! We're attached at the shoulders!
*head butts the other head* Ow-ow! Darn these shared pain receptors!
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 3
After tapping on Hell Principals' exclamation mark
I went too far. I'm sorry.
It takes a real principal to admit he was wrong.
Let's focus on getting our heads back together!
I think these two hotheads deserve some ice cream with a brain freeze chaser.
Cooler heads will always prevail.
Task: "Make Hell Principals Have Trouble Eating Ice Cream". The job takes 12 hours.
Obviously we still aren't back in sync yet.
Clearly. We should have NOT shared sundaes.
Did you get candy sprinkles?
Sprinkles are an unholy abomination!
I love 'em! I say skip the ice cream and just gimme sprinkles!
And...we're fighting.
Quest reward: 100 and 10
Pt. 4
After tapping on Hell Principals' exclamation mark
We've got to be of one mind again!
Space Wars?
Space Trek!
Hot dogs!
Man, listening to you two argue is torture!
Hmm...are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Task: "Make Hell Principals Torture Students". The job takes place at Hellementary School, Hellscape, or a Brown House and takes 8 hours.
What on and under Earth is going on in here?!
We're just torturing students.
My apologies. Please continue.
Quest reward: 200 and 20
Behind the Laughter
The quest name is a reference to the phrase "two heads is better than one."