User Information
Real name:
Thomas L.
Birth date:
December 28
Current location:
New Jersey
Languages I speak:
English; French
Wiki skills:
Novice animator.
Heyo! I'm SimpsonT! I've been watching The Simpsons for many years now, and will try to contribute here whenever I can!
Currently in 5th Grade!
I've been on this wiki for a little while now, and I've done a few things you might like. Check it out!
This user has made 30 edits!
About Me
I joined this wiki to share information and fix mistakes, and let others love The Simpsons as much as I do!
I am currently 11 years old.
Too MUCH information about me, read if you dare
This user's birthday is on December 28, 2006.
This user has seen over 400 episodes of The Simpsons!
This user's favorite season is Season 3!
This user is an animator.
This user's YouTube account name is STHOM.