Wild Barts Can't Be Broken
"Wild Barts Can't Be Broken"
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Episode Information
"Wild Barts Can't Be Broken" is the eleventh episode of the tenth season. The episode involves the kids of Springfield getting a curfew set by the town.
The family attends a Springfield Isotopes game and Homer is immidently dissipointed with the results. He later goes to Moe's where he finds all his bar mates rooting for the Isotopes, as they seem to be actually winning. Homer quickly changes sides and starts cheering for the team. He, Carl, Lenny and Barney, all drunk, start driving around town and spot the baseball field at Springfield Elementary and start driving around the school ground sand indoors, wrecking it completly. The wreckage is shown on the news the following mornign and since no evidence was left by Homer, Cheif Wiggum places the blame squarley on the kids of the town. He solves this problem by placing a curfew on the town, stating children must be indoors by sundown, or else.
The kids are bored with their new-found curfew, escpecially at the TV selections. But they see a commercial on Tv for a movie called "The Bloodening" about creepy children who know all of the town's citizen's secrets. Bart and the other kids set out to see this movie, dispite it being shown after curfew. However, they are soon caught by Wiggum and are forced to clean his billboard.
To get even with the adults, the kids swipe a bunch of electronic devices, piece them together and form a working radio transmitter and start their own radio program called "We Know All Your Secrets". This show spreads the town's most well kept secrets acroos town and angers the adults even more. They track down the transmitter and nust them. They start to fight, leading into a song about kids and adults. The elderly citizens are woken up by the song and get enraged at the adults and kids. To get even with all of them, they vote on a new curfew, which places the kids and adults in their homes after sundown.
Adults! Kids!
Kids is the song from this episode.
Cultural references
The main reference is the song towards the end of the episode, which parodies the song "Kids" from Bye Bye Birdie. The scene where the kids take the different electronics through the fence parodies scenes from The Little Rascalls, including Millhouse dressed as Alfalpha. Millhouse is also scene watching the kids-TV show, Teletubies, before switching to the movie commercial.