User talk:Gazlene the Pork Girl
Hi, welcome to Wikisimpsons! Thanks for your edits to the Bart the Genius article. We really appreciate your contributions here, and would love to give you credit! So Log in with a user name, or register one if you don't have one yet. That way we know who is doing the great things we see. Here's a wiki tip for you -- you can sign your name on talk/discussion pages by typing ~~~~ which automatically adds your signature and the date. Here are a few pages to help out new editors such as most likely yourself:
Feel free to leave a message on my talk page if I can help with anything! |
A few tips when you uploading images, two types is more important an others.
- Pages on have images that is by a very bad quality.
- Pages on is missing images.
Of course it's okey to uploading other images like you doing now. /AleWi 13:50, 24 April 2013 (EDT)