Girl Power!
Girl Power! | ||||||
Comic Information
Girl Power! is a Bart Simpsons Comic story that appears in Bart Simpson #70.
Lisa's class is on a fealdtrip to Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, Lisa sneak away to clean up Homer's workstation because she don't want her classmates will see how dirty it it. Lisa is just finnish when her class enters the room with Mr. Burns and Waylon Smithers in the wake. Mr. Burns like how clean and organized Homer's workspace is and ask Homer to come into his office tomorrow so can they discuss his future.
The next day has Burns a meeting with Homer, he has watched his employee records and it was not what he excpected but his in interested in his future, not in his past. Burns tell to Homer if he the level of his work rises to the level of his organzational skills, there's a big promotion in his store.
Homer drives to Lisa's school and picks her up, he needs her help. Lisa show Homer how he should do his job so he can get a big promotion under a few hours before Smithers came to Homer's office and asks what Lisa is doing there, he tell that Lisa is interested in working here before and after school every day unpaid. Smithers like it and tell you exactly the kind that gets people promoted. Lisa is now beginning work on the plant after and before school to promote Homer. A couple of weeks later has Lisa lot of home works to do and tells Bart that the work has taking over her life but the promotional means so much so she do not know what she can do.
Bart has a plan and tells it to Lisa. The next morning Lisa is going early to plant and when Homer gets there she says she has taking a part-time janitor job there or something intil she is eighteen When she taking Homer's job. Homer tell that Lisa can get a better job but she does not listen to him and tell to Homer the power plant is her true calling before she going and takes a half hour break. A half hour later looks Lisa in Homer workspeace and he is sitting in his underwear and his office is a mess again. Lisa tells to him at if Mr. Burns sees this he never get the promotion and Homer tell Lisa that's the plan. Mr. Burns then enters his room and sees what a mess Homer has done, Homer tell to Burns at it so for it's "free day" today, the day the in week when he can do whatever he want in his office. Burns and Smithers does not like what they see and tell he will not be promoted to director of station organization. Homer was suprised at the they wanted give him charge of cleaning offices. Lisa realizes she guess sabotaging his promotion really was the best thing for Homer, Homer tells her that it was the best thing for you, for she is eight and daddy can not let him drop out of school just to help him move up the food chain and if he ever going to get a promotion he want to do it in his own way. Homer asks Lisa to go back to school so she can be anything more than your old man ever dreamed off. Homer and Lisa drives to school, she asks him to put on some clothes but he tell he do it later, he do not want to give anyone around here any ideas about him being someone he not.