Wikisimpsons:Editor meetings/April 21st 2012
Wikisimpsons - The Simpsons Wiki
(20:09:58) AleWi Should we start the meeting? (20:10:09) Phinbart HA! Beat you to it! (20:10:24) Phinbart I waited till the computer clock went "08:10", then pressed enter. (20:10:28) AleWi Censority (20:10:38) Phinbart Randomno wanted to discuss this. (20:10:47) Phinbart Rndomno Rndomno|Away (20:10:56) Rndomno Yes? (20:10:57) AleWi Randomno is not here (20:11:00) AleWi Rndomno is here (20:11:00) Rndomno DAMMIT! (20:11:03) AleWi it's not same person (20:11:08) Freddie_ It is time! (20:11:13) Phinbart You always get things late, AleWi (20:11:27) Phinbart Right, Randomno, what was it you wanted to discuss about Censority? (20:11:41) Rndomno Part 2. [dramatic music] (20:11:55) Rndomno Well, we're not Wikipedia. (20:12:11) Solar_Dragon We're not censoring anything (20:12:14) Solar_Dragon NEXT TOPIC! (20:12:17) Rndomno Shuddup. (20:12:22) AleWi Some things about The Simpsons shorts (20:12:23) Rndomno STAY ON TOPIC! (20:12:35) Phinbart "(→List of things to be discussed: I know we've already discussed this, but I have some more points to bring up)" - in history (20:12:44) Rndomno Yeah. (20:12:58) Rndomno Okay, next, The Simpsons doesn't use any strong language. (20:13:11) Solar_Dragon Yes, it has done (20:13:17) Solar_Dragon See Will k's list of swear words (20:13:21) Rndomno If we were a South Park wiki, users would expect to see some stuff. (20:13:39) AleWi Some episodes have raiting 14 in US (20:13:41) Solar_Dragon We're not censoring anything (20:13:44) Solar_Dragon NEXT TOPIC! (20:13:45) Rndomno Solar_Dragon: Not really strong, like f*** and s***. (20:13:52) Rndomno STAY ON TOPIC! (20:13:52) |<-- Shwido has left freenode (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) (20:13:59) Solar_Dragon Don't ping me, it lags my episode (20:14:06) Rndomno Mehkay. (20:14:12) Phinbart Right, so next topic? (20:14:15) Rndomno NO! (20:14:17) AleWi Solar go away then (20:14:24) Solar_Dragon No (20:14:28) AleWi Some things about The Simpsons shorts (20:14:36) Cook879 what things? (20:14:39) Rndomno AleWi: Hold on! (20:14:41) AleWi I don't know (20:14:45) Rndomno Back a topic! (20:14:51) AleWi No Rndomno (20:14:53) Rndomno yes. (20:14:56) Rndomno *Yes (20:14:56) Phinbart How about we let Randomno speak (20:15:04) AleWi Write what you want (20:15:17) AleWi *sigh* (20:15:31) Rndomno Right: If we were another wiki like a South Park or Family Guy one, users would expect to see strong language. (20:15:55) AleWi Simpsons it's not a show for kids according producers, but they now kids watching. (20:15:56) Rndomno We should be umm... precautioness. (20:16:05) Solar_Dragon Sigh. Is that the only point you're bringing up? (20:16:09) Cook879 How "strong" is "wank"? They used that twice, uncensored last week (20:16:24) Solar_Dragon The Simpsons has used lots of swear words. (20:16:30) Rndomno Yeah, where was the second time by the way? I know Lenny's one. (20:16:32) AleWi wank is not in US a bad word, but in in UK. (20:16:42) Rndomno Sólar: Not that strong. (20:16:52) Phinbart It was once said on Breakfast when some American guys were on (20:16:53) Solar_Dragon They haven't used "cunt" yet, which is the worst swear word of them all, which is why we would censor that if we had it (20:17:21) AleWi Everybody can some swear words when you are 5, 6 years old. (20:17:39) Phinbart OK, have we finished discussing censority? (20:17:45) Solar_Dragon We're not censoring anything (20:17:47) Rndomno Everybody knows some? (20:17:47) Solar_Dragon NEXT TOPIC! (20:17:51) Rndomno No, Solar. (20:18:01) AleWi Yes, Solar. (20:18:03) AleWi Some things about The Simpsons shorts (20:18:05) Solar_Dragon WE ARE NOT CENSORING ANYTHING! (20:18:09) Rndomno I don't care if you don't want pinging. We need to finish this off. (20:18:14) Rndomno Vote: (20:18:15) Solar_Dragon Randomno, you are the ONLY one who disagrees (20:18:21) Solar_Dragon Therefore, NEXT TOPIC! (20:18:24) Rndomno NO! (20:18:26) Cook879 No (20:18:28) Rndomno Vote first. (20:18:36) AleWi Vote: No (20:18:41) Phinbart Errrrr... (20:18:41) Rndomno Just quickly say "yes" or "no". (20:18:46) -->| FatHomer (4f884db4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikisimpsons (20:18:50) FatHomer Hi! (20:18:50) Freddie_ Yes. (20:18:51) Phinbart Hi, FatHomer (20:18:52) AleWi Hej FatHomer. (20:18:52) Rndomno Hi, FatHomer. (20:18:52) Solar_Dragon NO, No Censoring. (20:19:00) Cook879 hey FatHomer (20:19:00) Solar_Dragon That's my vote (20:19:01) Rndomno Voting, then? (20:19:03) Phinbart We're in the middle of a heated argument about censority (20:19:06) Cook879 I have! (20:19:09) FatHomer What'sok (20:19:19) FatHomer sorry (20:19:31) FatHomer censor what? (20:19:37) Cook879 rude words (20:19:40) Rndomno Swear words. (20:19:56) FatHomer we should not do that (20:20:03) Rndomno Okay, LISTEN. I don;t mind words that were on the show. (20:20:06) Rndomno Only other ones. (20:20:30) Rndomno Like Sneed's Feed and Seed Behind the Laughter, or Homer's Trivia section. (20:20:38) Solar_Dragon We do not need to censor swear words (20:20:39) FatHomer but I think users shouldn't swear (20:20:45) Solar_Dragon We won't censor swear words (20:20:59) Phinbart Right, change topic then? (20:21:09) Freddie_ Oh, come on! (20:21:25) Rndomno Can we just count up votes? (20:21:37) Rndomno So, 3 no, 1 yes, so far. (20:21:40) Cook879 Well count then! (20:21:42) Solar_Dragon "Fuck". Everyone knows it. A lot of people use it. (20:21:46) Phinbart Remember everyone I'M doing the transcript of the meeting (20:21:50) AleWi The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both have the same suffix -eed. The shop was "Formerly Chuck's", meaning for the two words beginning with "F" and "S" to have the same suffix with Chuck's (-uck), the shop would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck". (20:21:50) Rndomno I don't. (20:21:53) Rndomno I will. (20:21:59) Rndomno For transcript. (20:22:11) Rndomno Not I will use swear words. (20:22:18) Cook879 I swear more than 4 of us have voted (20:22:25) Rndomno (20:22:41) AleWi In one episode he was the only character in the show to say bulls**t but the "s**t" part was censored by a honk sound. (20:22:45) Cook879 I was being serious - I didn't intend for that statement to be comic (20:22:52) Rndomno Oh. (20:23:00) Phinbart We've already created a template for pages which have content that is not suitable for young children (20:23:06) -->| supergeeky1 (~sg1@c-98-252-38-151.hsd1.md.comcast.net) has joined #wikisimpsons (20:23:11) Rndomno I know! (20:23:13) FatHomer Hi! (20:23:18) Rndomno Let's create an parameter! (20:23:18) AleWi supergeeky1 it's 23 minutes past 3PM! (20:23:21) Rndomno I'll do it. (20:23:21) AleWi Hi supergeeky1! (20:23:22) Phinbart Hi, supergeeky (20:23:28) Solar_Dragon supergeeky1, Randomno is trying to make us censor swear words. What do you have to say about that? (20:23:35) Rndomno So, no censority but warning, then. (20:23:43) FatHomer yepp (20:23:59) supergeeky1 I have had it with these motherfucking pings in this motherfucking channel. (20:24:01) supergeeky1 ^ (20:24:04) Solar_Dragon (20:24:12) Solar_Dragon Snakes on a Plane (20:24:33) Phinbart Right, move topic then? (20:24:39) Rndomno Asgard. (20:24:49) AleWi Cook879, Solar_Dragon, the site notice? (20:25:01) Phinbart Change to "There is an editor meeting now" (20:25:02) AleWi we have a meeting now!!! (20:25:08) FatHomer Some things about The Simpsons shorts? (20:25:10) Solar_Dragon I cried when the Asgard committed mass genocide in Stargate (20:25:11) Cook879 God - you guys are so demanding (20:25:21) supergeeky1 head-desks. (20:25:46) FatHomer Some things about The Simpsons shorts?... (20:25:48) Phinbart Guess I'm not doing the transcript any more: http://simpsonswiki.net/w/index.php?title=Wikisimpsons:Editor_meetings/April_21st_2012&curid=79186&diff=362927&oldid=362923 (20:25:49) YourDaddy Title: Wikisimpsons:Editor meetings/April 21st 2012 - Wikisimpsons, the Simpsons Wiki (at simpsonswiki.net) (20:25:56) Rndomno Yeah. (20:25:59) Phinbart I told everyone I was doing the transcript. (20:26:03) Rndomno The only problem is smileys on ChatZilla. (20:26:08) Phinbart Right, Some things about the shorts. (20:26:10) Rndomno I said "I will." earlier. (20:26:18) Cook879 who added it? (20:26:22) Phinbart Me (20:26:32) Phinbart http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/User:Phinbart/Short_titles (20:26:34) YourDaddy Title: User:Phinbart/Short titles - Wikisimpsons, the Simpsons Wiki (at simpsonswiki.net) (20:26:50) Solar_Dragon Go for Simpson World titles (20:27:08) Phinbart No-one took notice of it when I created it (20:27:08) Cook879 Yeah (20:27:13) FatHomer I agree (20:27:17) Cook879 I notice everything (20:27:19) AleWi We vote it last time (20:27:28) AleWi We should have Simpsons World. (20:27:35) FatHomer ? (20:27:44) Phinbart Also, we should use the videos here: http://www.youtube.com/user/Homerpalooza1997 for short framegrabs. The vids are from the FIRST airing of the short. (20:27:45) YourDaddy Title: Homerpalooza1997 - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) (20:27:45) FatHomer oh yes (20:27:52) Rndomno Woah, mama! This is the only edit meeting we've had on a "st" date. (20:28:04) Cook879 that's a lovely fact (20:28:10) Cook879 too bad it's off topic (20:28:16) Phinbart Are you doing the meeting transcript, Randomno? (20:28:25) Rndomno Yes. (20:28:30) Phinbart OK (20:28:34) Rndomno I'll add more in a few minutes. (20:28:40) Phinbart So, what does everyone think? (20:28:49) Phinbart Change wiki titles to Simpson World titles? (20:28:52) Phinbart I (20:28:54) FatHomer yes (20:28:56) Cook879 I (20:29:01) Freddie_ Yup! (20:29:03) AleWi yes, we vote it last time (20:29:20) FatHomer Next topic: A plots and B plots categories? (20:29:32) Cook879 Explain (20:29:34) AleWi [20:46] <Phinbart> Simpsons World titles here: http://simpsonswiki.net/wiki/User:Phinbart/Cut_short_scenes (20:29:35) YourDaddy Title: User:Phinbart/Cut short scenes - Wikisimpsons, the Simpsons Wiki (at simpsonswiki.net) (20:29:36) AleWi [20:47] <YourDaddy> Title: User:Phinbart/Cut short scenes - Wikisimpsons, the Simpsons Wiki (at simpsonswiki.net) (20:29:37) AleWi [20:47] <@Solar_Dragon> And if I notice a title discrepancy with episodes, I change it to what Simpsons World says (20:29:39) AleWi [20:47] <Phinbart> Yes. (20:29:50) Phinbart [20:27] <Phinbart> Also, we should use the videos here: http://www.youtube.com/user/Homerpalooza1997 for short framegrabs. The vids are from the FIRST airing of the short. - should we? (20:29:51) AleWi [20:47] <Phinbart> Next topic, then? (20:29:52) YourDaddy Title: Homerpalooza1997 - YouTube (at www.youtube.com) (20:30:34) FatHomer yes phinbart (20:30:45) Phinbart Right, A plots and B plots categories (20:30:52) Cook879 Explain (20:30:53) Phinbart I added it (20:31:08) FatHomer so... (20:31:15) Phinbart I think we should have A plots and B plots categories like the Infosphere has. (20:31:22) FatHomer link? (20:31:52) Phinbart http://theinfosphere.org/Category:A_plots_focusing_on_Fry (20:31:52) YourDaddy Title: Category:A plots focusing on Fry - The Infosphere, the Futurama Wiki (at theinfosphere.org) (20:32:00) Phinbart http://theinfosphere.org/Category:B_plots_focusing_on_Fry (20:32:02) YourDaddy Title: Category:B plots focusing on Fry - The Infosphere, the Futurama Wiki (at theinfosphere.org) (20:32:13) FatHomer Could we please remove YourDaddy? (20:32:31) Freddie_ That is an okay idea... (20:32:38) Cook879 meh (20:32:57) Phinbart For "Moaning Lisa", it would be, A plots focusing on Lisa, B plots focusing on Homer, B plots focusing on Bart (20:33:32) FatHomer I don't think we should have it (20:33:48) Rndomno Me neither. (20:33:59) Phinbart A plots and B plots? (20:34:00) Phinbart I (20:34:00) AleWi It can be too much categories (20:34:12) Phinbart "I" or "Nay" (20:34:18) Freddie_ Nay. (20:34:27) Cook879 Nay (20:34:28) AleWi Nay (20:34:43) Phinbart Solar? FatHomer? (20:34:48) FatHomer Nay (20:34:52) Freddie_ Nay, nay, nay, hurry up! (20:34:53) Solar_Dragon What? (20:34:59) Phinbart A plots and B plots? (20:35:07) Solar_Dragon What about them? (20:35:11) FatHomer ... (20:35:13) Cook879 >_> (20:35:17) Phinbart Read the discussion, Solar? (20:35:20) Solar_Dragon cba (20:35:21) AleWi We should not have them as categories (20:35:30) Solar_Dragon And stop pinging me (20:35:38) AleWi ■Did You Know? section during the summer (20:35:46) Phinbart Solar hasn't decided yet/ (20:35:53) <--| Solar_Dragon has left #wikisimpsons (20:35:56) AleWi No Solar if you are he we can ping you (20:35:59) AleWi Solar left! (20:36:02) AleWi Hurray! (20:36:08) Phinbart He said "cba" (20:36:12) FatHomer Can't Be Arsed (20:36:17) Phinbart Oh. (20:36:23) Phinbart Right then. (20:36:32) Phinbart Did You Know? section during the summer (20:36:38) FatHomer ? (20:36:41) Freddie_ ? (20:36:42) Rndomno Why during the summer? (20:36:44) Phinbart It could replace "Upcoming episode" (20:36:51) Freddie_ Why? (20:36:52) Phinbart Because then there's no episodes. (20:36:53) FatHomer oh, yes we should (20:37:03) Cook879 Though space might be a bit confining (20:37:03) Rndomno Meh. (20:37:07) Freddie_ Yes, sorry. (20:37:14) Phinbart Two facts or something. (20:37:15) AleWi Wikipedia has always Did You Know. (20:37:19) Rndomno Think it's a bit pointless. (20:37:39) Freddie_ What is pointless? (20:37:48) Rndomno Did You Know? section. (20:37:51) Phinbart Did You Know section (20:38:01) Freddie_ How come? Rattle me! (20:38:32) FatHomer should we vote? (20:38:42) Freddie_ Yes - Yes. (20:38:54) Phinbart We could replace the Upcoming Episode section on the main page during the summer with the Did You Know? section because there's no episodes in the summer and three months for it to have a run. (20:39:07) Rndomno But we know the next episode sometimes. (20:39:25) Cook879 Not till about 2-3 weeks before (20:39:29) FatHomer I vote Yes (20:39:32) Phinbart Yes, but it would be pointless putting it on the main page till around mid-August or something. (20:39:49) Phinbart That's when everyone will be wondering what the Season 24 premiere is and when it will premiere. (20:39:52) Rndomno http://simpsonswiki.net/w/index.php?title=Template:Next_Episode&diff=prev&oldid=220507 We knew it August 9. (20:39:54) YourDaddy Title: Template:Next Episode - Wikisimpsons, the Simpsons Wiki (at simpsonswiki.net) (20:40:32) Cook879 That's still 2 months (20:40:36) Phinbart From June 1 to August ...20 then? (20:40:48) FatHomer OK (20:40:50) Rndomno I vote no. I think we should have it either permanently or not. (20:40:53) AleWi In late may we have no new episode (20:41:05) AleWi Wikipedia has it permanent. (20:41:27) Rndomno We just remove the next episode template. (20:41:28) Phinbart I think it should be just during summer or periods where there is no new ep for about a month. (20:42:05) Phinbart If we add it permanently, it will leave a gap in the page, left column or right column. (20:42:13) Freddie_ It will be a waste of space. (20:42:57) Phinbart So, Did You Know? section in the summer? (20:43:05) Phinbart Vote "I"/"Aye" or "Nay" (20:43:07) Rndomno I think it's pointless just having it in gaps. (20:43:08) FatHomer I (20:43:08) Phinbart I (20:43:19) Phinbart [20:43] <Phinbart> Vote "I"/"Aye" or "Nay" (20:43:19) Rndomno Och nae! (20:43:34) Phinbart Guessing that's a "Nay" (20:43:39) Cook879 Meh (20:43:51) Phinbart Vote everyone. (20:43:52) AleWi NJA (20:43:54) Rndomno By the greatness of Scotland, I say nay! (20:44:06) Rndomno Being Willie, as you can guess. (20:44:09) Phinbart Randomno - transcript (20:44:14) Rndomno Oh, yeah. (20:44:17) Rndomno Okay. (20:44:40) Phinbart It has gained interest, so should we go ahead with the idea when June 1 comes around (or even earlier) (20:44:42) Phinbart ? (20:45:02) FatHomer yes