Wikisimpsons:Editor meetings/April 21st 2012
Wikisimpsons - The Simpsons Wiki
[20:10] <Phinbart> Right, let's start the meeting shall we! [20:10] <AleWi> Should we start the meeting? [20:10] <Phinbart> HA! Beat you to it! [20:10] <Phinbart> I waited till the computer clock went "08:10", then pressed enter. [20:10] <AleWi> Censority [20:10] <Phinbart> Randomno wanted to discuss this. [20:10] <Phinbart> Rndomno Rndomno|Away [20:11] <Rndomno> Yes? [20:11] <AleWi> Randomno is not here [20:11] <AleWi> Rndomno is here [20:11] <Rndomno> DAMMIT! [20:11] <AleWi> it's not same person [20:11] <Freddie_> It is time! [20:11] <Phinbart> You always get things late, AleWi [20:11] <Phinbart> Right, Randomno, what was it you wanted to discuss about Censority? [20:11] <Rndomno> Part 2. [dramatic music] [20:12] <Rndomno> Well, we're not Wikipedia. [20:12] <@Solar_Dragon> We're not censoring anything [20:12] <@Solar_Dragon> NEXT TOPIC! [20:12] <Rndomno> Shuddup. [20:12] <AleWi> Some things about The Simpsons shorts [20:12] <Rndomno> STAY ON TOPIC! [20:12] <Phinbart> "(→List of things to be discussed: I know we've already discussed this, but I have some more points to bring up)" - in history [20:12] <Rndomno> Yeah. [20:13] <Rndomno> Okay, next, The Simpsons doesn't use any strong language. [20:13] <@Solar_Dragon> Yes, it has done [20:13] <@Solar_Dragon> See Will k's list of swear words [20:13] <Rndomno> If we were a South Park wiki, users would expect to see some stuff. [20:13] <AleWi> Some episodes have raiting 14 in US [20:13] <@Solar_Dragon> We're not censoring anything [20:13] <@Solar_Dragon> NEXT TOPIC! [20:13] <Rndomno> Solar_Dragon: Not really strong, like f*** and s***. [20:13] <Rndomno> STAY ON TOPIC! [20:13] == Shwido [~Dodonym@CPE-144-137-193-240.lns3.fli.bigpond.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] [20:14] <@Solar_Dragon> Don't ping me, it lags my episode [20:14] <Rndomno> Mehkay. [20:14] <Phinbart> Right, so next topic? [20:14] <Rndomno> NO! [20:14] <AleWi> Solar go away then [20:14] <@Solar_Dragon> No [20:14] <AleWi> Some things about The Simpsons shorts [20:14] <@Cook879> what things? [20:14] <Rndomno> AleWi: Hold on! [20:14] <AleWi> I don't know [20:14] <Rndomno> Back a topic! [20:14] <AleWi> No Rndomno [20:14] <Rndomno> yes. [20:15] <Phinbart> How about we let Randomno speak [20:15] <Rndomno> *Yes [20:15] <AleWi> Write what you want [20:15] <AleWi> *sigh* [20:15] <Rndomno> Right: If we were another wiki like a South Park or Family Guy one, users would expect to see strong language. [20:16] <AleWi> Simpsons it's not a show for kids according producers, but they now kids watching. [20:16] <Rndomno> We should be umm... precautioness. [20:16] <@Solar_Dragon> Sigh. Is that the only point you're bringing up? [20:16] <@Cook879> How "strong" is "wank"? They used that twice, uncensored last week [20:16] <@Solar_Dragon> The Simpsons has used lots of swear words. [20:16] <Rndomno> Yeah, where was the second time by the way? I know Lenny's one. [20:16] <AleWi> wank is not in US a bad word, but in in UK. [20:16] <Rndomno> Sólar: Not that strong. [20:16] <Phinbart> It was once said on Breakfast when some American guys were on [20:16] <@Solar_Dragon> They haven't used "cunt" yet, which is the worst swear word of them all, which is why we would censor that if we had it [20:17] <AleWi> Everybody can some swear words when you are 5, 6 years old. [20:17] <Phinbart> OK, have we finished discussing censority? [20:17] <@Solar_Dragon> We're not censoring anything [20:17] <@Solar_Dragon> NEXT TOPIC! [20:17] <Rndomno> Everybody knows some? [20:17] <Rndomno> No, Solar. [20:18] <AleWi> Yes, Solar. [20:18] <AleWi> Some things about The Simpsons shorts [20:18] <@Solar_Dragon> WE ARE NOT CENSORING ANYTHING! [20:18] <Rndomno> I don't care if you don't want pinging. We need to finish this off. [20:18] <@Solar_Dragon> Randomno, you are the ONLY one who disagrees [20:18] <Rndomno> Vote: [20:18] <@Solar_Dragon> Therefore, NEXT TOPIC! [20:18] <Rndomno> NO! [20:18] <@Cook879> No [20:18] <Rndomno> Vote first. [20:18] <AleWi> Vote: No [20:18] <Phinbart> Errrrr... [20:18] <Rndomno> Just quickly say "yes" or "no". [20:18] == FatHomer [4f884db4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikisimpsons [20:18] <FatHomer> Hi! [20:18] <Phinbart> Hi, FatHomer [20:18] <Freddie_> Yes. [20:18] <@Solar_Dragon> NO, No Censoring. [20:18] <AleWi> Hej FatHomer. [20:18] <Rndomno> Hi, FatHomer. [20:19] <@Cook879> hey FatHomer [20:19] <@Solar_Dragon> That's my vote [20:19] <Rndomno> Voting, then? [20:19] <Phinbart> We're in the middle of a heated argument about censority [20:19] <@Cook879> I have! [20:19] <FatHomer> What'sok [20:19] <FatHomer> sorry [20:19] <FatHomer> censor what? [20:19] <@Cook879> rude words [20:19] <Rndomno> Swear words. [20:20] <FatHomer> we should not do that