the zombies are walking corpes that need to feed on the flesh of the liveing . in halloween speacials they lay wast to springfeild .
the zombies rampaged across springfeild in 3 seprat ocassians .
the first ocassian was in treehouse of horror 3 in bart simpsons story . in the story bart brings them back to life with a supernatural curse while trying to bring lisa's cat back to life . the zombies travel across springfeild eating and turning many people into zombies . when the zombies break into the simpsons house they attempt to eat homer but consider him brianless . when bart and lisa think of a plan to reverse the spell the simpsons head down to springfeild elementry were homer kills varios zombies . eventuly bart reads the spell and the zombies return to thier graves .
the second time was in the last level of the simpsons hit and run video game . as part of kang and kodos plan to wake the dead to get thier rateings up. thoughout the last level they are seen walking around springfeild as well as trick or treaters . amazeingly the zombies do not attack homer or the trick or treaters (but over the radio it discribse the zombies attacking springfeild stateum) . and when the player attacks the zombies thier wanted level go's up . after homer blows up kang and kodos space ship it is assumed the zombies were killed .
the third ocassion was in the simpsons halloween speacial 19 or 20 . in the segment they were referd to as the munchers . this zombiefied disase was caused buy people eating krusty burgers that were from cows who ate meat from mad cow disease. the munchers wreck havock across springfeild . the simpsons later discover that bart is genenticly amunne to the disase and could make a cure . when apu helps the simpsons escape springfeild the simpsons eventuly make it to the safe zone . eventuly the "muncher disase" is cured becuse all bart had to do is take a bath in their soup .
- even though the zombies are all the same they were caused by 3 difrent things : first there was a supernatural curse . second was a alien expairament . third was a genitic disase