Faith Off/Quotes
When on stage bart sings,
Bart: Satan, eat my shorts!
Iwas a sinner, a real bad kid.
What thou shalt not, Ishalt did.
Neighbors cat I tried to neuter,
Took a whiz on the school's computer.
Sherri and Terri: He took a whiz, oh yes he did.
Bart: But now I changed, you can't deny.
Come on up and testify.
Sherri and Terri: Testify, testify, come on up and testify!
Abe: My hip's misbehavin'.
(bart kicks his cane away.)
Sherri and Terri: Testify!
Patty: Got a nicotine cravin'.
(bart slaps the cigarette out of her mouth.)
Sherri and Terri: Testify!
Frink: There's a cramp in my glavin'.
(Bart kicks frink in the back side.)
Bart: Testify!
Crowd: Testify! Testify!
Milhouse: My glasses make me look like a geek!
(bart tosses milhouse's glasses away.)
Bart: now you'll get the girls you seek!
Sherri nd Terri: We'll see you at make out creek!
Crowd: Bart's the boy of the hour.
He's got the power.
So raise your voice and don't be shy,
Tes-ti . . .Tes-ti. . .
Bart and Crowd: Tes-ti-fy!
Crowd: Testify, testify, come on up and testify!